1. 9 years ago

    Quick question folks, has anyone tried persistence with Al Rayak? I seem to be having problems with it and wasn't sure if it's not fully set up to work with War Room yet due to being a preliminary index. On the other hand i've recently done a clean install of my OS on a new SSD so it may just be things on my end. I've done all the usual checks and unlocked all the necessary files, on Server Save and Exit it shows all the usual modules - Saving Data please wait and then just hangs.

    ALiVE relevant section of RPT: http://pastebin.com/ZJBvhwEA

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Tupolov

    23 Jun 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Tupolov

    Thanks for the RPT, looks like a couple of issues there. Will investigate and get back to you.

    EDIT: Can you enabled debug in the Data Module and re run your mission?


  3. No problem, hope it helps!

  4. Tupolov

    23 Jun 2015 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Tupolov

    Is statistics enabled in the data module?

    two issues here:

    1. Doesn't look like statistics enabled correctly, or the latest version is not being run on the server.
    2. Some issue saving logistics items, may well have saved though and might just be a tablet UI error.

    If you can provide a full RPT with the data module debug on, that will help.

  5. Yes, stats are enabled, so is AAR (I usually never touch this anyway), perfmon and OS perfmon are both disabled.

  6. Cool gimme a few mins I'll see what i can do, thanks for looking into it!

  7. Tupolov

    23 Jun 2015 Administrator

    No problem. What group and mission? I'll check the war room db.

  8. Alrighty, so i went and stripped out any other mods the mission was using to clean up the RPT, ran it again using just CBA ALiVE, AiA and Al Rayak with Jbad buildings. Did the same again with DB debug on this time, let it hang for a minute or two then shut it down.

    Here's the RPT: http://pastebin.com/XBjr8PRU

    Group is [LN]Noonanamous and the mission for that RPT will be Test01.pja310.pbo or Persistence Test 2 in game. Cheers!

  9. Tupolov

    23 Jun 2015 Administrator

    Thanks taking a look now!

    Saving can take up to 4-5 mins.

  10. Tupolov

    23 Jun 2015 Administrator

    This isn't good

    17:11:11 ALiVE SYS_DATA - GROUP NAME: LN
    17:11:11 ALiVE SYS_DATA_COUCHDB - READ DATA: SendJSON ["GET", "sys_data/config", "" , "arma3live"]

  11. Tupolov

    23 Jun 2015 Administrator

    Did your IP change?

  12. Wow. I hadn't even thought to check that. Yeah my IP seems to have changed since reinstalling Windows, I'll update my war room details and see if that sorts it.

  13. Yeap, apologies for this guys, reinstalling Windows somehow changed my IP address (although apparently it technically should not have) and so it wasn't letting me connect to War Room. Updated my details and boom everything is working perfectly again. Thanks for your time in looking into it, it's much appreciated, apologies that it was in vain!

  14. No worries glad it was something 'simple' :)


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