Combat Support "offline" until triggered event

  1. 10 years ago

    Today is the day I ask a dozen questions! Sorry, haha.

    A previous poster has (sort of) asked the question how to add Combat Support...with scripts or trigger.. ARJay responded an AddAction trigger for the Alive Tablet would work. Another user, Acer90, said to use "ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportInit and synchronizeObjectsAdd" and then the thread unfortunately ended.

    I have a mission that includes Artillery Support via the Alive Tablet; tested and working (woohoo for me). But I've tested the mission once and I think I want the Artillery Support to be a reward for the players... I want it to be "OFFLINE" from the beginning, and come online only after the player complete's the condition of a trigger.

    I don't mind if the Arty asset appears on the tablet; I'd actually love if the tablet spat out some failed connection bit when the players try to use the asset... COMMUNICATION ERROR - REASON: SIGNAL JAMMING

    The idea is that there is a custom objective that includes a radio tower players have to destroy with a satchel charge. Once destroyed, the trigger activates and brings Arty communications online.

    ...not really sure where to start.

  2. Edited 10 years ago by dixon13

    You could pause the module using this.

    ["ALiVE_sup_combatsupport"] call ALiVE_fnc_pauseModule;

    Haven't tested but it could possibly work. Once the artillery becomes available use...

    ["ALiVE_sup_combatsupport"] call ALiVE_fnc_unPauseModule;

    to turn the artillery back on.

    You could also just turn off the artillery portion of Combat Support by using this...

    ["ALiVE_sup_artillery"] call ALiVE_fnc_pauseModule;

    then use...

    ["ALiVE_sup_artillery"] call ALiVE_fnc_unPauseModule;

    to turn on the artillery again.

    Note: Got idea from here .

  3. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by dakaodo

    Hi, all. My question is partly related; let me know if it's too off-topic and where I should post instead.

    To clarify for a n00b, I would put this:

    ["ALiVE_sup_artillery"] call ALiVE_fnc_unpauseModule;

    in the "On Activation:" field of the trigger? Can this be done by syncing the trigger to the support unit module?

    I searched for ALiVE module classnames, but failed. Where can I find the list?

    I want to de/activate a CAS module, not artillery. Is "ALiVE_sup_CAS" correct for air support? How do I specify one CAS module out of several -- by naming the module?

    The above discussion doesn't mention the earliest initialization I can use the pauseModule. From the mission start, would I put the pauseModule line in the init.sqf? Or kludge it with a trigger on the player's start location?

    Can this method be used for mil placements (again, where can I find the module classnames for use)? That way, unit placements and objective only placements could be de/activated with triggers.

    EDIT: I tried all the above, and still ended up with my CAS unit spawned at mission start. If it's possible, then I must have used incorrect syntax for making reference to the CAS module, to the name of the CAS module, or something.


    Instead of the main "ALiVE_sup_combatsupport" module, I am looking to trigger specifically a CAS module with B_Plane_CAS_01_F (the A-10), while two other support modules (CAS w little bird and transport with Ghost Hawk) are available all the time.

    Before finding this post, I tried and failed to sync a trigger (with ALiVE BLUFOR profile detection conditions, as well as "BLUFOR present" condition to cover all possibilities) to the CAS module in question. Tried settings for both one time and repeatedly (repeatedly is preferred).

    The CAS plane is on a runway in contested enemy territory. I'm trying to set it to spawn when BLUFOR units capture the airfield, and despawn if OPFOR recaptures the airfield.

  4. GunnyDev

    12 Aug 2015 Administrator

    You may want to check this post

  5. Thank you GunnyDev, and you guys are amazing. I'll look forward to the next update, then!

  6. Hi GunnyDev, the functionality you mentioned is critical for my scenario and while I've managed a hackish solution through forcefully calling fnc_combatSupportInit, I'm unable to remove the new combat support entries from the tablet (and probably the other dozen issues I'm not aware of).

    Could we get an experimental build with the add and remove combat support functions that you've got so far?

  7. You could just define the two functions in your mission until the update

    Call a file with this code in it (or stick it in the bottom of the init.sqf) and then the functions will be usable:

    Then call them using the instructions posted here

  8. Thanks for the code SpyderBlack723.
    Now I have player-buildable AI CAS assets which is great.


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