you can also script player logistics requests, this might throw a script error at the moment (fixed in dev to allow this type of thing). Note you will need to have a Military Logistics synced to an Military AI Commander for the faction doing the requesting
_requestID = floor(time);
_payload = [];
_emptyVehicles = [];
_staticIndividuals = [];
_joinIndividuals = [];
_reinforceIndividuals = [];
_staticGroups = [];
_joinGroups = [];
_reinforceGroups = [];
// add some ammo boxes to payload
_payload pushBack "Box_NATO_Wps_F";
_payload pushBack "Box_NATO_Wps_F";
// add a empty hunter
_emptyVehiclesItem = [];
_emptyVehiclesItem set [0,"B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"];
_emptyVehiclesItem set [1,["Vehicles","Car","B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"]];
_emptyVehicles pushBack _emptyVehiclesItem;
// add a empty quadbike
_emptyVehiclesItem = [];
_emptyVehiclesItem set [0,"B_Quadbike_01_F"];
_emptyVehiclesItem set [1,["Vehicles","Car","B_Quadbike_01_F"]];
_emptyVehicles pushBack _emptyVehiclesItem;
// send the player request of to the military logistics module
_forceMakeup = [_requestID,_payload,_emptyVehicles,_staticIndividuals,_joinIndividuals,_reinforceIndividuals,_staticGroups,_joinGroups,_reinforceGroups];
_playerID = getPlayerUID player;
_destination = position player;
_faction = "BLU_F";
_side = "WEST";
_deliveryType = "PR_AIRDROP";
_event = ['LOGCOM_REQUEST', [_destination,_faction,_side,_forceMakeup,_deliveryType,_playerID],"PR"] call ALIVE_fnc_event;
if(isServer) then {
[ALIVE_eventLog, "addEvent",_event] call ALIVE_fnc_eventLog;
[[_event],"ALIVE_fnc_addEventToServer",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;