Correct TAOR Syntax

  1. 9 years ago

    PS:This may not be the correct title as I am new to this

    I am currently having issues with the CIV Placment Module not placing units in the TAOR's. It happened after I added more than one TAOR. This makes me think I don't have the correct way of listing TAOR set up in the Module


  2. The names are in all likelihood irrelevant. They just need to match the marker's names you created in the editor. Just to make sure you're starting this correctly, do you know how to make custom markers? And to be sure they actually are or are not spawning, have you turned the Military AI Commander and Civ objective debug options on?

    You need to make sure the Civ obj module is placed somewhere near an actual civilian object, be it a house or town or what have you.

  3. Those match all my marker names. Hopefully it is the issue with the module placement, as I may have moved it.

  4. Remove all TAOR marker names from the placement module and then turn on debug. Once ingame you will see all of the valid objectives that the placement module needs to cover. Make sure your TAOR markers actually cover the centers of these circles otherwise it won't find suitable buildings.


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