I've been working on a mission in Takistan, and every time I try to call in any type of logistic requests, the units are said to be loaded up and en route, then it says they have been destroyed while en route, every single time. I'm using RHS factions (USMC(D) and USARMY(D)) as blufor and CFG aggressors middle eastern faction as the insurgent opfor. I've tested the logistics with the standard NATO blufor and it seemed to work fine, but with a little investigation using Zeus, it seems as if its spawning in the requested units but the helicopter will spawn in the sky before the crew, resulting in the helicopter crashing or a helicopter unit won't spawn at all. I've tried adjusting TOAR markers to cover a smaller portion of the map so it wouldn't spawn somewhere crazy and it resulted in longer request times, but the same end result of the units being destroyed. I'm using the following mods:
JSRS: Dragonfyre Lite
RYD Liability insurance
C2 Command and Control
AllinArma terrain pack lite