Virtual AI Movement Speed

  1. 9 years ago

    I don't see any noticeable change in the movement speed of virtualized AI when I change the profile speed setting in the virtualized AI module. Even when comparing 25% speed and 125% speed, I don't see a difference. For all tests, I set debug on for the module and looked at the map while in game and looked at how far the AI markers moved between each refresh.

    And overall, no matter what setting, I personally feel they move too fast. Virtualized AI move about twice as fast as actual spawned AI. Can I change this myself, or would this have to be a widespread change in the ALiVE mod?

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Hmm.. did some very rough and quick tests but came to the same conclusions. The speed modifiers don't appear to be working.. no clue why though... Will put a ticket in.

    I personally feel they move too fast

    Noted, but if there is an issue, opinion might need to be reevaluated once the settings are fixed :)

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    And a more comprehensive test yields the same results. A profile moving from one point to another took the following times with the following settings

    None: 2:20
    125%: 2:21
    25%: 2:20

    Issue ticket:
    (Won't be view able yet)

    Edit: Think I've found the error..

  4. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Alright, that was actually a hilarious "bug".

    Have fixed for the next release, thanks for the report (and the laugh).

    New test results (Same distance):

    25%: 6:04
    None: 1:31
    125%: 1:15

  5. What was it out of interest?

    Also, does this setting affect how long it takes one virtualised profile to kill another? They seem to do that way quicker than non-virtualised units do at the moment. Makes coming across epic battles a lot less likely!

  6. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    There are two files that handle profile simulation, one was current, the other was either outdated or an abandoned WIP file. The profile movement change was made in the file that's not being used.

    It will not affect the rate at which profile combat occurs. It only effects the distance that they move with each simulation cycle. This should slightly increase chances of seeing battles if you lower the speed modifier as profiles will take long to reach each other to fight

  7. Roger, cheers for the reply Spyder!


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