[Bug] All parameters not logged to War Room? (Fixed in Dev)

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago


    30 Mar 2016 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Tupolov
    [2016-03-30 14:11:23] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSONAsync ['POST','events','{"realTime":"30/03/2016 14:11:21","Server":"","Group":"CiC","Operation":"Operation Landlord | ALiVE","Map":"Altis","gameTime":"1715","Event":"PlayerFinish","PlayerSide":"WEST","PlayerFaction":"BLU_F","PlayerName":"KeyCat","PlayerType":"B_Soldier_SL_F","PlayerClass":"Squad Leader","Player":"76561198033230790","shotsFired":[],"timePlayed":6,"score":0,"rating":0,"PlayerRank":"PRIVATE","playerGroup":"CiC"}']]

    Not sure if you fired your weapon, but shotsFired is blank there.. Did you fire your weapon during this test?

  3. Edited 8 years ago by KeyCat

    Yes, several mags with MX as well as the Mk18. Also noticed it misses thrown grenades as well as number of para jumps (haven't tested diving yet).

    Tomorrow I will test with a friend and see if he experiencing the same on his new account. Will let you know how it goes...


  4. Tupolov

    31 Mar 2016 Administrator

    @keycat So, good find, I confirmed the bug, shots fired recording is no longer working... I'll investigate.

  5. Sounds great!


  6. Tupolov

    31 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Fixed in dev... Thanks for the report! and the patience!

  7. Edited 8 years ago by KeyCat

    No, THANK YOU for this awesome mod as well as having the stats server up!

    This is pretty much what I've been dreaming of since OFP and BIS should hire you all.

    Major kudos to the whole ALiVE team.


  8. Hope you don't get tired of me but noticed that it doesn't log "Weapons Experience". Maybe it's related to the bug you already fixed...


  9. Tupolov

    1 Apr 2016 Administrator

    That's what we fixed :)

  10. :)


  11. @KeyCat No, THANK YOU for this awesome mod as well as having the stats server up!

    This is pretty much what I've been dreaming of since OFP and BIS should hire you all.

    Major kudos to the whole ALiVE team.


    Sooo many players have similar comments - "Why isn't this part of the game itself?" I've been using it since before it was released and God Damn it still blows me away at times.


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