automatic assault mission

  1. 8 years ago

    am creating a mission with the alivemod, all modules are set and all.

    i just require for the moment the mission starts, all ai to start assaulting enemies and moving around the map.
    the same with also opposing faction to start assaulting
    so when a player joins in they can see on going assaults which they can join.

    how can i set this up and where ? please advise, really appreciate any comments.



  2. You can look here for a few ways on how to do this

    this addAction ["Select Assault Mission",{[_this select 1,"attacking"] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOMJoinObjective},[],1,false,true,"","true"];

    This would probably be the one you are looking for. You can add it to any object (in it's 'initialization box'), and it will allow you to select an objective that is being attacked and join the group moving to attack it.

  3. thanks, but i want to add it to the AI that spawns with ALive modules to go after the assault automatically

    so once the mission starts, AI forces start to head to the objective.

    possible ?

  4. A bit confused by your request - so at mission start you want all AI groups to start assaulting objectives.. instead of OPCOM holding some in reserve?

  5. yes thats correct, so if a player joins, he can follow the groups around and get the action, the same applies to the opposite faction also.

  6. I don't think that is possible. Setting the AI Commander module to Invasion or Occupation will adjust how many groups the AI will attack/defend with:

    Invasion: 4 Attack, 1 Reserve, 2 Defend
    Occupation: 4 Attack, 1 Reserve, 5 Defend

  7. Friznit

    28 Sep 2015 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Friznit

    This happens already. Not sure what else you mean?

  8. I think he wants all groups to be on the attack instead of OPCOM keeping some in reserve, defense.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by TheGeekDiver

    or do you want the OPCOM to pause commands prior to the player joining? Example: OPCOM issued the command to assault but that isnt carried out until the player joins? Just making sure we understand.

  10. No, i dont want it to pause, i want to start assaulting both sides, and player can join in the action that is already taking place

  11. Edited 8 years ago by TheGeekDiver

    You can't join a profiled/virtualized group at start but you might be able to do a spawn point via trigger based on how far forward to the objective the profiled units are. These spawn triggers could get complex but the general idea is if present it will move or create a spawn point for that side.

    Spyder might actually know how to have the player join that unit as he is making the command tablet that spectates profiled units and the ability to control the unit(i think).

    I know i saw a detect profiled unit code on the forum somewhere. I'll look for it here shortly if someone doesn't beat me to it.

  12. Friznit

    3 Oct 2015 Administrator

    As I said above, the fight starts straight away already. If it isn't, put the opposing sides closer together! Joining the fight either means travelling there (realistic method) or teleporting (unrealistic method). For that latter, you can either use a script from the script snippets page on the wiki , or Spyder's Command tablet (which is fully integrated in the next release of ALiVE).

  13. Edited 8 years ago by GhostNI

    What happens if I put 2 blufor AI commanders down then? Could I get 8 groups to attack and so on?
    In my mission I have Iraqi army commander (NATO) on invasion. Isis commander (IND) on occupy. And a usmc commander (NATO) on occupy with a small taor at my base for patrolling. All spawn in properly so far, just not enough attacks. I'm trying to create a dynamic front line were the 2 ai factions clash and we usmc can come in and tip the balance to push Isis back.
    I can upload my mission later if someone wants to check it out and recommend any changes.

    Ps and check why my R3F logistics placed items don't save ;)

  14. You could try experimenting with Custom Objectives set and set their value high.

  15. Edited 8 years ago by SavageCDN

    Also you cannot have more than one AI Commander per side faction.

    edit: oops thanx fritz

  16. I've managed to have 3 NATO commanders, a ind and an opfor. Had RHS USMC commander (occupation) defending a custom taor. Had leights Iraq army (invading) all mil obj. And Leights ANA invading all civ obj.
    For enemy I have leights Isis occupying civ obj and leights takisstan army occupying all mil obj.
    Seems to be working fine with a shit tonne of fighting.

    Only prob I have now is Leights opfor pack seems to not know what motorised, mechanized and armour are. Spawns technicals as mechanized with no bmp etc.

  17. Friznit

    5 Oct 2015 Administrator

    You can have one AI Comd per faction or one AI Comd controlling multiple factions on the same side. You cannot have two AI Comd's controlling different placement groups of the same faction.


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