Hi !
I have some questions for you :)
I made a basic mission where BLU and OP fight on the whole map of Altis. But there are somethings that i can't manage to know.
First, I would like a huge battlefield, i get it but there is nearly no (not) Air units (helis and planes), while i would like 1/3 of total units of the map been air units for massive air combat. How to spawn air units ? or maybe force it ?
Second, everytime a task start, it is around 2 km away, is there a way to reduce that radius ? because i don't want to take vehicle :)
And third, How can we have all units (or close) spawn at the very start of the mission, because i must wait like 10mn before the ennemies start to be a lot. (but always no air units :@)
Thank's for the reply, i'm overminded :P