Title kind of says it all, I'm testing my mission in Zeus. All of sudden ALiVE started spawning random Independent aligned units inside the BLUFOR TAOR, but the actual units were from the OPFOR faction. These units then went racing towards the OPFOR TAOR and attacked the OPFOR.
See images:
http://i.imgur.com/j43MqAg.jpg - Random Independent Units in BLUFOR Base (map is CUP Zargabad)
http://i.imgur.com/NPTKFdv.jpg - Random Independents attacking OPFOR
http://i.imgur.com/MDbaQA0.jpg - Clicking on the Independents shows it is actually an OPFOR unit only flagged as independent!
This seems to happen randomly and usually at the start of my mission. The independents die then never spawn again...