Random ALiVE placement of OPFOR units as Independents, spawning in BLUFOR base and attacking OPFOR

  1. 9 years ago

    Title kind of says it all, I'm testing my mission in Zeus. All of sudden ALiVE started spawning random Independent aligned units inside the BLUFOR TAOR, but the actual units were from the OPFOR faction. These units then went racing towards the OPFOR TAOR and attacked the OPFOR.

    See images:

    http://i.imgur.com/j43MqAg.jpg - Random Independent Units in BLUFOR Base (map is CUP Zargabad)

    http://i.imgur.com/NPTKFdv.jpg - Random Independents attacking OPFOR

    http://i.imgur.com/MDbaQA0.jpg - Clicking on the Independents shows it is actually an OPFOR unit only flagged as independent!

    This seems to happen randomly and usually at the start of my mission. The independents die then never spawn again...

  2. If you are using RHS, this is the cause. It should be fixed in next release.

  3. Ugh I'm so sick of RHS...but it seems to play so well with ACE. Any suggestions for an alternative?

  4. @vaguswarrior Ugh I'm so sick of RHS...but it seems to play so well with ACE. Any suggestions for an alternative?


  5. @HeroesandvillainsOS  http://alivemod.com/forum/1701-favorite-unit-packs

    I was looking at that, any in particular work well with ACE? Really our Mod pack is a modified ACE3, ALiVE and some Faction mods and that's it.

  6. I'm a bit biased towards 3CB and CAF Aggressors (for middle eastern maps). I actually don't really care for ACE myself because it borks AI command a lot. That said these factions work well with ACE, as does all the others Autigergrad mentioned (he uses ACE in all his missions).

  7. Thanks! I'm going to give 3CB a try. There are few static non-synced RHS units that I'll need to keep a since they are player objectives in a few missions. But I can easily switch from USAF to UK 3CB for the players BLUFOR and then swap the Russian to CUP Russian Federation.

  8. You may be able to get away with RHS it you don't use the insurgent faction. At the moment it is bugged but will be fixed in the next release. The other RHS factions should work fine! At least, they do for me.

  9. Massi's Spetsnaz/Russian unit pack is a good alternative to RHS Russians. Same w his US packs...he has a ton.


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