Just wanted to pass along a new issue. Grouped AI teammates no longer stay under squad leader control after dying and respawning. The Fkey icons for the AI players disappear after the squad leader dies. Here is a report using only ALiVE 1.0 and CBA 2.3.1.
And the mission (Operation Landlord . Simplified for testing purposes): https://www.dropbox.com/s/3bywo9gxax37qya/Operation%2520Landlord%2520%257c%2520ALiVE%2520.Altis.pbo?dl=0
For those of you curious, I haven't properly played a mission since EDEN. This also corresponded with CBA and ALiVE previously getting updates so I can't say what the culprit is. What I can say is that before these updates, grouped AI's always stayed under squad leader control upon player (squad leader) death. I noticed the issue yesterday in one of my heavily modded missions and decided to see if I could repro with just ALiVE and CBA.
To replicate, start a mission with ALiVE and CBA. Place a respawn_west marker on the map in the editor, ensuring you have respawn = 3; and some kind of respawndelay defined in a description.ext. Group some AI to you. Start the mission in MP. Kill yourself. Notice how the grouped AI are no longer under your control when you respawn.