Please help me - Me and my group are really trying to use ALiVE for our operations, I don't know if it's ALiVE or not... It's a great mod but we have had countless bugs with our server modset that has made us loose members. First off, the mission loading times are 10 min+ on ALiVE. We're using RHS VDV for the faction. Our modset: ACE, ALiVE, CBA, CUP Terrains and core, EricJ Blackhawks, MCC, Leights Opfor, F/A-18, Task Force Radio, Mission Enhanced Little Bird, Task Force 47 Launchers, ASR AI, EWK HMMWV
s, and DEGA Parachutes. Other than the loading times, you can't join in progress. Players spawn as seagulls. They can hear sounds though. Those are our two main bugs, don't know if you can help us and don't know if I'm posting this in the right place but I'm just so frusterated.