[bug] Help on Saving Players Data / Position (fixed in dev)

  1. 7 years ago

    OK can someone please help me , just getting back into ALIVE after a long break ( building a terrain ) Now I am having issues with Saving players Stats / Position.

    It just will not save so I thought it was my mission so i downloaded the "Insurgency Alive mission" via the site and run that , I teleport to a new location save player stats via the menu - disconnect completely - rejoin the server and i start in the spawn location not where I disconnected from ?

    Double checked and replace the modules just to make sure - i can see the mission in the WarRoom and the feed is fine i.e kills etc...

    .RPT log from server .
    This is me connecting - saving disconnecting completely re joining , i start at base not where i disconnected from - then i save & close server - no error message on Save - but on Restart it starts fresh again ?


    Hope someone can help - :)

  2. In the description.ext, change respawnOnStart to 0 (issue with the mission, sorry!)

    respawnOnStart = 0;

    Also when you first connect to the server, spawn in, then disconnect reconnect again (this is a bug with the current build -- fixed in next release).

    See if that helps resolve the issue.

  3. Although this could be related to the persistence bug stickied in the forums here, try deleting your data module (and putting it back in) and double check player position is set to persist in the player data module.

  4. @SpyderBlack723 In the description.ext, change respawnOnStart to 0 (issue with the mission, sorry!)

    respawnOnStart = 0;

    Also when you first connect to the server, spawn in, then disconnect reconnect again (this is a bug with the current build -- fixed in next release).

    See if that helps resolve the issue.

    You must have changed it as it is set to 0 Already :)

    Ill try replacing the Module & come in / out a a few times to see if it works the 2nd time :)

  5. Deleted 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  6. Wouldn't he want it to be ...

    respawnOnStart = -1;

    For location to persist?

  7. Ah yes, my bad! I've always hated the numbers they used for that setting..

  8. Hmmm ok changed it to respawnOnStart = -1;

    Replaced Module , come in / out 4 times did not save gear or position :(

  9. Tupolov

    30 Apr 2016 Administrator


  10. ahhh OK :)

  11. OK retried it again today but same results , if i Disconnect using Abort then come out completely reconnect I start at spawn location not where I left of and with start Gear - then if i exit again using Alive save and go out / come back in the same - spawn at start / spawn Gear not what i had when i disconnected.

    Is it Just me or is Saving just not working ?


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