Hi everyone!
So Im having a bit of performance trouble with Isla Duala A3 and ALiVE on a de, also spawning quite a few units. I know its not over 80 locations as I don't get that message anymore and Im using it with LEIGHTS OPFOR. I have a blacklist over this whole area named "black" and put that in the blacklist slots in the civ/mil/ placement and CQB modules. One odd thing is that they tend to show up at the western airfield in the blacklist marker, not immediately but eventually they do.
The module settings are no filtering on the civ military placement module with 100 force size, medium roadblocks, and for the military placement module I have 60 force size, with the objective size filtering on ignore small objectives and no filtering on objective priority with medium camps.
Now Im wondering if I should make a TAOR marker or another way to help performance and limit the concentration and number of units placed?