RHS Independant force

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by JD_Wang

    The wiki doesn't mention RHS's independent force, I assume that's because it's not ALiVE compatible?
    At the moment I'm using CUP NAPA forces for my insurgents in a Russia/USA/Insurgent 3 way but they seem to spawn in full sized squads.

    Has anyone got a favourite for eastern european insurgents? I'm thinking lots of balaclavas, AK's, small groups and the odd tank would be great.

    Also I can't seem to work out the civilian faction which gives you the skoda's and eastern style cars. I'm currently running the CUP Chenarus civilians but they only have a SUV.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by GhostNI

    You can blacklist groups if you wish if they are too large for insurgency type missions.
    ["Groupclassname","anothergroup"];" in the init box of alive required module. I used this to blacklist the 8 and 10 man caf_ag taliban.

    I've noticed it will not spawn another available group if one of the backlisted groups were chosen to spawn so you might end up with less groups overall in your mission so you can compensate if you wish i suppose.

  3. Cool, is there an easy "idiot friendly" way to view the names of the groups?

  4. Config viewer and double click the following options, CFGgroups - side (west,east,ind etc) - faction - groups will be listed.
    Click on the group you want and copy classname :)

  5. Awesome man, thank you for your help :)

  6. RHS insurgents work great with ALiVE. I use them all the time. I've never had a problem using them with ALiVE.


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