/author is not a value

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    CBA has already fixed the issue for their next release.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    That's great. Thanks for the update on that.

    BIS should really allow for the old way to be valid. For instance, FATA itself causes this error by just loading the map and FATA isn't being updated anymore.

    It's sucks they didn't allow the old way to be acceptable. This error can really mess up ALiVE and obviously triggers under certain circumstances.

  4. hi guys!
    sorry...i just was able to test new version now.
    spyder...AWESOME work. it does not gives the error!
    you did something to fix also spawned groups ? because they seems to work correctly now for my mission!



    I detailed the issue in this post. The ALiVE update only sort of fixes the problem.


    I just wanted to update you. So I made a vanilla mission on Stratis, slowly adding my mods and scripts in one by one until I could duplicate my issue with the large discrepancy of profile spawns on mission start.

    Long story short, once I introduced this \author is not a value error in, I was able to consistently repro the problem.

    But here's the catch. I could only duplicate it when more than one object or mod that has this error was present.

    Example, Spyder Addons has this error. With just that being used the profile initialization was fine. So I added a CBA object (which has this error too) and BAM, the problems started.

    So I messed around for a while trying to see if it was the specific object and over and over, this profile problem would only occur if 2 or more instances of \author is not a value was present. So if someone is using two mods that both have this error, they will very likely encounter issues with ALiVE. I spent a good amount of time with this and feel pretty confident what I'm seeing is accurate.

    Also, even one instance of this error is enough to delay ALiVE's initialization. Example: I use a trigger to detect once all East profiles are dead to give me a "mission complete" screen. Anytime this error occurs, the trigger fires on mission start because the trigger is beating ALiVE to the punch. Without this author error, the trigger works and always has worked in the past.

    Anyway, I figured you guys should be aware of this, in the event someone else asks or sees this thread.

  6. man...you surely are awesome bug-hunter!
    in fact i use ace3 too usually...and i can confirm you are right!
    so no way to fix this from user-side ?

  7. No

  8. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @marceldev89 suggested I try running the missions on a dedicated server to see if the issues still occur because apparently, the author is not a value pop-up only shows up in SP.

    I have not tested it but it's worth a shot.

    Otherwise, we just need to be patient.

    What I did for now is remove any object (such as CBA objects) and modules (such as Spyder's Civilian Interaction) from my missions that cause the error so as of right now, I'm ok(ish) if I use the test version of ALiVE. But for the stuff you absolutely NEED, no, I can't think of anything we can do but play the waiting game.

  9. i was thinking this problem was solved, but seems to return from the grave :(
    link of my laterst .RPT :
    i removed ACE3 from the mission.sqm , so i just have CBA 2.4.1 and ALiVE ...can someone help me to understand where the problem is ?
    huge thanks guys !

  10. You need to be using the dev version of ALiVE for this to go away. The released version still has this error.

  11. aaaaaaah! my fault then! i thinked this was fixed in that release! thanks for the tip man !
    you great as always :)


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