this addAction ["Read Intel", {_params = _this select 3; openmap true; [_params select 0, 1500, _params select 1] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOMToggleInstallations}, [getPos this, "EAST"], 1, false, true, "", "alive _target"];
Ok. Cool. Well 50/50 cool. This code is accepted as valid in the editor. However, interacting with an item having this in its init in game results in a toggle installations generic error in expression message. And no intel is revealed.This would actually be the same error I had when the intel on dead bodies feature was first introduced into ALiVE itself..
Not that it matters much. BIS has hard-coded this obnoxious "Take Intel" add-action on intel documents that shows up much further in the mousewheel options than ALiVE's "Read Intel" option. Why on earth would BIS have an interaction like this when it doesn't do anything unless you script it to?
I honestly have no clue how you guys were able to bypass the generic "Take Intel" add-action. Don't you use intel documents near the dead bodies, similar to the ones I would find in the editor?