Ok this is what I did and what happened immediately next:
1) I created succesfully the "server.cfg" file which is correctly read by "arma3server.exe", what I did is
Ctrl C/Crtl V this to a new file changing some lines...
This is from where I took the file: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg
2) I created a shortcut pointing the "arma3server.exe" adding all the mods (-mod=@ bla bla) and the
confing (-config=bli bli blo blu)
3) Server is working nicely and all players ( I tried with 3 differents Clients) can connect and play.
4) I tried succesfully to connect as administrator using the password I've setted up in the "server.cfg"
tipying "#login myPassword" in the chat.
5) I have created an ALiVE mission with all the modules setted as "Persistent".
6) The mission run nicely and all players can connect and play.
7) All players can disconnect sing the ALiVE menu and the game shows the write " Player progress saved"
8) I opened a new account on WarRoom and I've setted up a new server tiping 100% correctly this:
- Server name= The exactly server name showed in the "server.cfg" as
well in the Arma 3 Server Browser list, without any other "" or ''.
- Hostname= The exactly server name I read tipying "hotsname" in the
Command Prompt, without any other "" or ''.
- IP Address= The IP address of my router (obvioulsy not my LAN address) updated to the new one
cause mine is Dynamic.
- I've downloaded and placed the file "alive.cfg" showed in the "Server setup instruction" (from the war
room site) in my Arma 3 root directory (also i tried placing it in the AppData/local/blabla).
Obvioulsy I unlocked the file before placing it.
- As an Admin I can click on "Server Save&Exit", when I do first I see players disconnecting showing
the write "Player Progess Saved", then I see the ALiVE console popping up and writing things making
me thinking that is saving, before it close I can read like "ALIVE DATA SYS ERROR".
The only thing that I did not was to add a new line like "-config=alive.cfg", do I have to?
Because rigth now War Room is blind on my server....
Thanks very much