Makhno's Maps (N'Ziwasogo, Al Rayak, Gunzkili, etc)

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So I started messing around with a mission I'd been working on for a few months now on N'Ziwasogo and sadly, I'm still seeing the same behavior after the re-indexing as I have always seen on all his maps.

    I mean, now we're error free but I feel like I must have wasted your guys time by pushing for his maps getting new indexes and I apologize. Something just isn't meshing right with them and ALiVE.

    When I travel to any urban area, which is decently populated, the FPS literally turns into a slideshow still and I either crash with out of memory or wish I had, because my computer becomes unresponsive (and crashes when I force Arma to close with unable to init DXGI).

    I'd like to open this thread so any ALiVE players can share their experiences on his maps and maybe see if there's a common link. I will admit I really only mess with N'Ziwasogo and Al Rayak though. But it's a real bummer because on the surface, without digging too deep, they are unplayable with ALiVE and I really can't figure out why.

  2. We did a deployment on N'Ziwasogo and some people were having frame rate issues but it was related to the vast numbers of AI that were populating. We localized it and made it easier to deal with. Al Rayak we have not done yet but I have run a few and they work great for me. I personally don't really like N'Ziwasogo due to the terrain itself but I will play it if we are running on it.

  3. When did you try N'Ziwasogo? With the newest ALiVE update? Was it N'Ziwasogo v094?

  4. 7 years ago

    This is a bit of an old topic, but does anyone have any recent good experience with N'ziwasogo in particular?
    I've been thinking about using it for my unit's next campaign, but I remember the rather horrific loading times last time we tried it, although this could have been before the above mentioned reindexation.

  5. Haven't used it in over a year. Makhno has stated he's currently upgrading to Tanoa assets..which would be freaking amazing as A) It's one of the rare African maps out there and B) it's huge which allows for large, long term campaigns.

    Song Bin Tanh is a nice stand in for it right now though.


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