Hi there!
I'm using the example for a custom variable but for some reason I can't get it to return anything other than "any" when I'm loading it back.
To save, I'm using:
missionNamespace setVariable ["chaosFull", 1, true]; ["chaosFullData", chaosFull] call ALiVE_fnc_setData;
And to return the persistent variable, I'm using:
chaosFull = ["chaosFullData"] call ALiVE_fnc_getData;
However, after doing this, chaos is always null (even if it has been set as 0 before). What's weird is that in the aliveserver RPT I have these lines on saving:
[2016-08-27 00:22:05] [debug] - [{"commanderTargetKilled":1,"chaosFullData":1,"date":[2016,7,24,17,3],"Group":"RAJA"}]
And these lines on loading:
[2016-08-27 00:22:31] [debug] Return value [['{"_id":"RAJA_ES8a","_rev":"1-3071ad7be157b43f2d0037c9d027d845","commanderTargetKilled":1,"chaosFullData":1,"date":[2016,7,24,17,3],"Group":"RAJA"} ']]
So it's saving and loading, I just can't get it to translate into my mission. Any ideas anybody?