How would I set up the group persist standalone (without the undercover script)?
Can I do this with your airpower script as well?
So I deleted the other folders in INCON (intel and undercover), as well as deleting them from the cfgFunctions and functionsWhitelist.
My description.ext is this:
class CfgFunctions
#include "INC_airPower\cfgFunctions.hpp"
#include "INCON\cfgFunctions.hpp"
class CfgRemoteExec
class Functions
mode = 2;
jip = 1;
#include "INC_airPower\functionsWhitelist.hpp"
#include "INCON\functionsWhitelist.hpp"
And my initPlayerLocal.sqf is this:
if (player getVariable ["APW_initRadioTrig",false]) then {[player,"createRadTrig"] call APW_fnc_APWMain;};
if (player getVariable ["APW_initAddaction",false]) then {player addaction ["Request air support","INC_airpower\scripts\airpowerSpawn.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","(_this == _target) && !(missionNamespace getVariable ['APW_airAssetRequested',false])"];};
I do not have initUnits.sqf as it seemed it was only for intel. I have iniDB2 running on server and client, and have ensured save mission time is on.
When I restart the server, I persist as normal, however my group resets as they were at the beginning of the mission. Is this because they are editor placed units, and I need to use either player logistics or Spyder's recruitment module to make my squad?