INCON Scripts for ALiVE - Intel + AI teammate persistence

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    So 2 of my unit mates are working on missions and having issues with the UC scripts.
    Ony is having IndFor refuse to recognize them as enemies and the other is having OpFor OpFor discover them immediately regardless of what they are wearing as civilian garb.

    I have an older version of the script that is working and running in a Zeus template. But they are both using the newest version of the script you have on GitHub.
    I'll see if I can get them to relay me some screenshots or at least the debug error messages they are receiving.

  3. If you can post an example of their missions that would really help too. I have a working PC nearby for the time being and I'd be fascinated to see where / if they are going wrong. All I've heard so far is issues from people who haven't got it working (and not a single bloody debug report to determine what the issue is). In fact, yours might well be the first hint that anybody other than me has it working fine in any mission whatsoever! Which is pretty weird considering how much I tested it and how reliably it has been working for me so far. I guess this is the issue with not being in a unit as a modder though!

  4. OK, got an error that they are receiving:

    8:439 Error in expression <overUnit,_regEnySide,_asymEnySide] call INCON_fnc_undercoverDetect;

    sleep 2;

    8:439 Error position: <INCON_fnc_undercoverDetect;

    sleep 2;

    8:439 Error Undefined variable in expression: incon_fnc_undercoverdetect
    8:439 File C:\Users\AccuracyThruVolume\Documents\Arma 3\missions\16th_African_WetWork_ep1.pja305\INCON\INC_undercover\undercoverHandler.sqf, line 53
    8:439 "Advanced Towing Loading..."
    8:439 "Advanced Towing Loaded"
    8:439 "Advanced Sling Loading Loading..."
    8:439 "Advanced Sling Loading Loaded"
    8:43:16 Error in expression <ect;

    sleep 2;

    [_undercoverUnit] call INCON_fnc_undercoverArmedTracker;

    8:43:16 Error position: <INCON_fnc_undercoverArmedTracker;

    8:43:16 Error Undefined variable in expression: incon_fnc_undercoverarmedtracker
    8:43:16 File C:\Users\AccuracyThruVolume\Documents\Arma 3\missions\

  5. Thanks! I'll take a look in more detail tomorrow but it looks like the functions aren't being defined correctly. This could happen if they have already defined a cfgFunctions in the description.ext file before adding my script or have incorrectly added the undercover script files. In which case, can you ask them to verify their description.ext files are set up correctly? Or even paste them here and I'll troubleshoot?

    I'm more than happy to give them a hand setting it up if you want to PM me their missions.

  6. Thanks. Going to have one of them zip up their mission and send it to me. I'll send you a DL link in PM.
    It probably has to do with their use of Zenophon and Enigmas scripting, as both of those use a ton of scripts.

    My simple mission using your old code works just fine (pre backpack specification code).

  7. Okay, for anyone reading this now, the issue was an error in the instructions of setting up the mod (my bad) - the latest GitHub version has corrected that. Thanks again @ski2060!

  8. Incon Scripts V0.13

    This release adds a few cool features to the undercover mode:

    • Optional hints reveal when you are acting suspiciously, making it easier to see the magic at play.
    • Vehicles are now handled - get in a civilian vehicle and you will not be spotted instantly even if you aren't wearing incognito equipment.
    • Driving more than 50m offroad can blow your cover (optional).
    • Vehicle checks work on AI teammates too - if they drive off road like lunatics, they will be given the same treatment as the player.

    Download here .

  9. Edited 8 years ago by patpowercat

    How would I set up the group persist standalone (without the undercover script)?

    Can I do this with your airpower script as well?

    So I deleted the other folders in INCON (intel and undercover), as well as deleting them from the cfgFunctions and functionsWhitelist.

    My description.ext is this:

    class CfgFunctions
    	#include "INC_airPower\cfgFunctions.hpp"
    	#include "INCON\cfgFunctions.hpp"
    class CfgRemoteExec
       class Functions
           mode = 2;
           jip = 1;
           #include "INC_airPower\functionsWhitelist.hpp"
    	   #include "INCON\functionsWhitelist.hpp"

    And my initPlayerLocal.sqf is this:

    if (player getVariable ["APW_initRadioTrig",false]) then {[player,"createRadTrig"] call APW_fnc_APWMain;};
    if (player getVariable ["APW_initAddaction",false]) then {player addaction ["Request air support","INC_airpower\scripts\airpowerSpawn.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","(_this == _target) && !(missionNamespace getVariable ['APW_airAssetRequested',false])"];};

    I do not have initUnits.sqf as it seemed it was only for intel. I have iniDB2 running on server and client, and have ensured save mission time is on.

    When I restart the server, I persist as normal, however my group resets as they were at the beginning of the mission. Is this because they are editor placed units, and I need to use either player logistics or Spyder's recruitment module to make my squad?

  10. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    If you write the following into initPlayerLocal.sqf you should get group persistence:

    ["loadGroup",_unit] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;
    ["saveGroup",_unit] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;

    ["loadGroup",player] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;
    ["saveGroup",player] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;

    Just bear in mind that because I can't get ALiVE data functioning for now, it relies on the iniDbi database timestamp matching your ALiVE mission timestamp when you reload alive persistent data. This means if your play session end time and alive mission save time don't tally within a couple of minutes of each other, the group will not persist. Hope that helps!

    Edit: also, won't matter whether it is editor placed units or spawned ones, as long as they aren't playable, they will persist.

  11. No dice. Still doesn't persist my group.

    Here is my test mission setup.

  12. How long did you play for? Do you have inidbi2 loaded in your mod list on client and server? It doesn't start saving until 4 minutes have passed as otherwise it can cause issues when starting a mission fresh.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by patpowercat

    Still nothing. I have definitely played over 4 minutes in the mission now. is the correct inidbi2 correct?

    I have also tried using the full script package with intel and undercover scripts, in case I broke some dependency. Still doesn't seem to work. I just can't figure it out.

  14. I'll send you a PM!

  15. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    I'm an idiot. Meant to write that you should put this:

    ["loadGroup",player] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;
    ["saveGroup",player] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;

    In your initPlayerLocal.sqf.

    (Instead of this: ["loadGroup",_unit] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist; ["saveGroup",_unit] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;).

    I haven't done a full play test but I tweaked the code slightly to run in SP for testing purposes and it works fine in your mission. To test if data is being saved, go into the @inidbi2 mod folder in your Arma 3 root, open database, and you should see a file called INC_groupPersDB.ini. In this file should be an entry beginning with your mission name. Let me know if that works (and apologies for giving the wrong instructions).

  16. This worked, thanks a ton! Great work by the way

  17. Thanks, great to hear it's working! I'm going to have another crack at using ALiVE persistent data in the near future which should make it possible to set and forget completely.

  18. Edited 8 years ago by gaZthme

    Hello! This looks awesome!

    But I encounter a little problem when launching the mission in MP from the editor. I get error "script unitInits.sqf missing". But I can find something called initUnits.sqf in the root of the mission folder.

    I have not edited anything else than true ->false or vica verca in the setup files, and I have left out the group persist folder (and set the "persist group" to false).

    I took the easy way and tried to rename the unitInits.sqf to initUnits and got the error the other way around when the mission loads "can't find script initUnits.sqf. Any ideas? I have checked and double checked the downloaded file to find the unitInits but can't find it...

    EDIT: In the initUnits.sqf in the .rar folder I downloaded it says that

    "...Must be defined in description.ext with

    //----------------------INIT EVENTHANDLERS--------------------------
    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
    class CAManBase {
    init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'unitInits.sqf')";" Just changed to initUnits and renamed the above mentioned to the same and it works fine now.


  19. Sooooo... you're all good now?

  20. I'm completely revamping all these scripts so I'll get the instructions a bit more clear soon.

  21. Yes I am all good, thank you. This is great!

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