Insurgency Patrol staging area

  1. 7 years ago

    Is it just me, or every time you get an "Insurgency Patrol" mission tasked (via auto-tasking), the patrol staging area is always further from you than the actual patrol area. Every single time, it seems like the staging area is behind my avenue of approach to the actual objective - like it thinks I'm coming from the other side of the map or something.

  2. I agree. This should be removed. Why should we stage in an open area that gives no advantage to the mission and if anything gives a disadvantage. Been wondering the same thing myself, not sure why its in alive.

  3. Just a guess but it's probably related to activating a trigger which puts the mission in motion.

  4. I don't have a problem with proceeding to the staging area, as long as the staging area is in a location relevant to my approach! I usually end up moving it myself via C2iSTAR menu, but that gets annoying! I'm sure it's designed this way because it has MP in mind, where it can't exactly get the position of the player to place the staging area (since there may be more than one player in MP) so they just place it at a random location x amount of distance away from the actual patrol zone.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I mean, I hear you man. But, you can't just go around the enemy and approach from the backside? I haven't tried the task in awhile. Does this happen every single time or just sometimes? I can definitely see how it would be annoying if it happened every time.

  6. Yeah, it happens every time for me. I could per se, but it really defeats the purpose of a patrol if I have to go behind the patrol zone, deep into enemy territory where I know for a fact I'll get into contact, just to come back to said area to "patrol".


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