Massive RPT spam with Project OPFOR and ALiVE 1.29

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  2. 8 years ago

    No worries! Not sure if it's worth chasing down all instances of this or if two will do. If you need any more examples devs, let me know.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hey it seems like you made some great progress on this over on the Github, but I just want to apologize for not helping in any way and making you chase your own tail, because I forgot the missions I was seeing this in also had BLUFOR as RHS US Marines! My bad man, I forgot I wasn't using 3CB. Lol

    I guess that explains why I was seeing the error in my missions (RHS Marines vs Middle East Militia). Didn't mean to make you waste your time looking at the Middle East Militia, though I guess it seems to effect just about every vehicle on both mods anyway. :(

  4. Haha no worries, I've got a list of all the vehicles which cause the issue now so we're good.

    For anyone else reading this, here's the list of vehicles from RHS and Project OPFOR that will cause this error:

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I wonder why it's not every single RHS vehicle? I know nothing about this stuff, so easy for me to say, but I'd assume they'd want hitpoints programmed in similar ways on everything and just not some things.

    That's kind of why I figured this may be a bug but I don't doubt its intended. Hopefully you guys can find a workaround, especially if it is not a bug and an RHS feature.

  6. Yeah not really sure. Stumbled upon a fix for the ALiVE end though which is good. I've also put some feelers out to see if it's a feature or a bug. Like you say, it's looking more like a bug given that it's not consistent across all rhs vehicles.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks @incontinenetia It's great having talented guys like you around that can dig into the code, manhandle it and suss out fixes.

    I see in the Github the way you call the fix is called is a quite a bit slower (though I don't want to begin to guess what that would act like in practice) so hopefully RHS just decides to "fix" it, but it's great to know a workaround is possible if they can't or won't.

  8. but I'd assume they'd want hitpoints programmed in similar ways on everything and just not some things.

    You would think

  9. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    As long as it's not terribly slow, speed doesn't really matter in profile simulation. The system is timed to simulate once every 3 seconds, if it goes over or takes less time than that, it will throttle/boost the rate at which things progress to account for it.

  10. @SpyderBlack723 As long as it's not terribly slow, speed doesn't really matter in profile simulation. The system is timed to simulate once every 3 seconds, if it goes over or takes less time than that, it will throttle/boost the rate at which things progress to account for it.

    Well that's good to know. Thanks for tag-teaming this one. That's a ton of rpt spam you guys are crushing here so it's appreciated.

  11. All credit to incontinenetia

  12. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Thanks @incontinenetia It's great having talented guys like you around that can dig into the code, manhandle it and suss out fixes.

    I see in the Github the way you call the fix is called is a quite a bit slower (though I don't want to begin to guess what that would act like in practice) so hopefully RHS just decides to "fix" it, but it's great to know a workaround is possible if they can't or won't.

    Haha nooo, talented would be Spyder... as for the workaround, it's only called when one of these silly vehicles pops up so it shouldn't make any noticeable difference anyway. Cheers for the help on working it out Heroes.

  13. Why is anyone thanking me? I didn't do anything! :)

    Haha thanks for taking care of the issue. I use RHS and Project OPFOR in just about everything I play so I appreciate it a lot.

  14. Thanks Obama

  15. lol since we're passing thanks around he can have some too. :) Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  16. Hey guys, would this error be related to the fix that's pending in the next ALiVE release? Man I hope so, it's causing my frames to drop to sub 1, and makes even exiting the mission back into the editor take like 4-5 minutes:


    I was running nologs so I don't have a rpt handy. It's using the typical fare for me, which is pretty much RHS and Project OPFOR and not really anything else aside from ALiVE/CBA/Spyder Addons and the map related stuff.

  17. That's caused by a unit addon

  18. Bummer. This is a pretty nasty error, best I can tell. I haven't seen my PC cripple like that in long time.

  19. Deleted 8 years ago by incontinenetia
  20. Man I'm shit at reading. So that's just from RHS and Project OPFOR? Don't think I can recall getting it with the same mods running. I thought I read something about that happening on dev branch with ACE3 or something if that resonates?

  21. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Nah. Stable and no ACE. Full mods at the time were CBA, ALiVE, Spyder Addons, RHS USAF and AFRF, Project OPFOR, CUP Terrains Core CWA and Maps, and CLAFGHAN.

    One guy swears to me this is the error that appears when you are lucky enough to not crash and successfully get back to the editor during the infamous 3 FPS bug but who knows.


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