Persistence Unable to Open Config File

  1. 7 years ago

    Having the following error in my persistence set up.

    I am running the server as a dedicated from the launcher on a mission using both EOS and ALiVE... I connected my player through the database and it says it reads the data but it will not put me in the same position or gear, I saved the mission as admin and re-entered and the mission was not saved either. The PDA was displaying "saving objects" etc. and took about 3-4 minutes to complete the saving completely before exiting the mission.

    Here is the snippet that I think might be causing the issue?

    [2017-04-10 00:08:53] [error] ###### ServerName ######
    [2017-04-10 00:08:53] [error] Error: Unable to open config file
    [2017-04-10 00:08:53] [error] RAW: ServerName

  2. Okay. Server starts fine, name works, loads the config file. This is a report after running server save & exit, and then loading back into the mission. Still no you have to fully shut down the server after exiting the mission or can you immediately load back into it?

  3. Persistence still isn't working.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Pliskin124 Persistence still isn't working.

    I know it's frustrating and I feel bad you're having issues. Unfortunately, determining the exact cause of the problem based on rpt files isn't exactly easy, and the people on the dev team that are a lot more adept with this aspect are busy with other things.

    All I can say is please be patient, and provide as much info as possible using a vanilla (CBA ALiVE only) mission (perhaps you've already done that. I haven't looked at the most recent link...this stuff is out of my depth).

    Again, I can't stress enough, vanilla only if you want dev support on this (post the server rpt and plugin log and the mission too. I can look at the mission).

  5. Edited 7 years ago by TheDragon117

    I appreciate the input. I'd be willing to learn something other then TADST if that might solve the problems I'm experiencing, but I'm thinking as a whole I probably have at least 2 separate problems. Since I can actually get ALiVE to save in a test environment obviously something somewhere in my mission is messing up, but even then I get an error about connecting to the war room even though everything does load. I've double and triple checked my modules and don't see anything that seems to be wrong. I ran one of the included ALiVE missions which just seems to further complicate my understanding of the problem as the mission would save, but my player wouldn't. So I'm kind of perplexed and starting to think the issue may just be a mistake on my part somewhere in this process that is creating a range of problems. On the one hand, the error is the only thing constant, but I'm getting three different results in 3 different scenarios. It seems persistence is going to be the one thing that gives me a bald spot from all the head scratching I'm doing. I usually try to sort things out on my own, cause I don't like to use up mod devs valuable time but I've kind of reached my limit of understanding from all the resources I can find.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    TADST setup is brutally simple. I never needed to do anything beyond some basic troubleshooting. I helped contribute to the guide on the wiki in the Data section for TADST. It's not 100% up-to-date (example being having to change the exe in TADST to use 64-bit arma3server.exe), but it's pretty cut and dry because this is all done locally.

    Though note, I haven't tested persistence on a TADST server since local saving became a thing.

    Have you looked through the guide, using your local PC's hostname in ipconfig, using and applying a unique server name for War Room and in TADST, using to get your external IP, placing Player Data and Data modules in your mission, etc?

  7. Edited 7 years ago by TheDragon117

    First off thanks so much for being willing to help guys sorry I didn't respond sooner, I didn't see the email telling me you guys had responded.

    TADST did seem the most simple route when I started hosting a server, and
    I just assumed it was the standard because it seemed pretty much idiot proof, but the persistence thing is introducing a whole new set of needs that TADST maker probably wasn't including in his scope. I did read those tutorials, and then went over them a second time, but probably going to go over them a 3rd time. I've been trying to teach myself how to write scripts during this process and its completely possible that on a night I stayed up way to late trying to make something work I messed something else up without realizing it. Though other then persistence everything else works incredibly well for me.

    Though on a probably important note I just realized today apparently I mistook things from the units from BI to be from the War Room, forgot I was playing with that the other day and used the same image, and just assumed it was from the War Room. It seems most of my information does get sent to the war room though as far as kills and battle feed/operations feed, just when I hit Save and Exit server I don't get a tablet and it doesn't shut down.

    I double checked my IP address and host name, those are definitely right. modules and such will take a day or so to dig through.

    TADST Folder is here. For the @aliveserver It's the one I downloaded from the War Room on Friday when I was trying to set up the servers I thought, I did re-download it again, from the server setup page in the war room, I don't see a version number to verify its the right one though.Is there source that is more reliable or definitely up to date? For Alive I'm subbed on the steam workshop (but server file did come from War Room) is that an official source that would be up to date as well? I'm going to recheck everything again, it would be brilliant if I could find one setting that I did wrong that just fixed it all, but again thanks so much for being willing to give a more experienced second and third looks over things.

  8. I am a bit embarrassed for missing that, but even more grateful you pointed it out. I had gotten so tunnel vision I was mostly only looking at the settings inside the modules especially the settings regarding persistence. Since the mission played well otherwise I didn't really look as hard there as I apparently should have. This evening I'll sit down load the provided mission, and use your source for the server files. Until I can get to my server I'm going to go over each module in the wiki again and check it against what I've tried to use it for. Fingers crossed that will be my issue and I'll happily remember that double checking everything means genuinely going back to my first steps. While it is a lot to learn it is incredibly rewarding when things work, and much easier to learn when you have people willing to help, like you guys.

  9. After going over every module and making corrections to the errors I could find I still wasn't having any luck. So I started deleting modules one by one to see if I could find the culprit that way. Once I'd deleted all the modules pertaining to the friendly side, (NATO, US Army, and Marines) I finally saw the blessed tablet pop up saying it was saving. so I know what ever was keeping it from saving had to involve one of those modules. I waited for it to shut the server down to the lobby. Happy and excited I closed the server out waited a minute then loaded it again. My mission is pretty large so I'm used to long loads, around 10 minutes usually, but around the 15 minute mark I started to suspect there was a problem so I opened up the rpt file and sure enough it was looping " ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System..." and had been apparently for a while. I still waited a bit just to see if maybe it would pull out of it but around 13 minutes of it looping the same message I went ahead and shut it down. As far as the mission goes I'm going thinking I made an error in judgement building it as far as I did without trying to make sure persistence would work first. I'm thinking I may delete my modules all the way out delete alive and reinstall it just to make sure its a good clean install, then slowly build it back in testing after ever couple of modules to hopefully detect the problem as soon as it happens instead of trying to check for issues corresponding between a bunch already placed. heret I don't see where it went south, when it saved it seemed to do fine, but when it loaded it tanked.

    Perhaps something will be more evident to better trained eyes then mine. It just seems like I'm getting hit with errors from every direction, I don't know if its possible but maybe something was wrong with my first download and its just been making errors and a mess from there. I didn't get a chance to look for another public server to get on yet and see if it loaded my profile there or not that will have to be a goal for tomorrow. Might take a day or so off before trying again from scratch. Its a shame cause the mission played so well my friends and I had a blast. I'll stay persistent at it, even if my server won't, eventually I hope to crack it.