Help needed. Probabilities and/or whitelisting units.

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by powreshard

    Hi everyone!

    So I learned of this awesome mod yesterday and immediately went nuts with it.
    But then I got some issues which I haven't been able to easily overcome and FAQ did not give a direct answer.

    I use this mod for populating the world with civilians and zombies (zombies & demons mod).
    The modules I use are the "civilian population" and "civilian placement".
    What I want to do, is spawn only specific zombies, only specific civilians.

    I know I can make blacklists to the faction, but it is kind of an upside down approach, if I just want 1-3 specific types of NPCs to spawn with the given civilian placement module, listing rest of the faction as the blacklist seems strange.
    Then again I really can't make my own faction either, since zombies and demons scripts target all their original faction.

    How can I do this effectively?

    The next question:
    Probabilities, can I in any way alter them?
    I would like to be able to somehow affect the likelihood what is spawned. Let's say vehicles, I want a bicycle to be a commodity and a car a super rare occurrance. Or a specific zombie like walker to be the main niche and then with like 0.01% chance there to be a demon instead of regular walker.

    How could manage to do this?

    Thank you! :D

  2. Sounds like you may want to make your own faction.

    I don't think you'll have any chance using ALiVE to accomplish this goal otherwise. And even then I honestly don't know if it will work. It might though. Give it a shot.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by powreshard

    I managed now to make an ORBAT created faction work for zombies, but had to do some manual editing of the clipboard data since copying a faction was not an option nor was creating a new faction. I had to manipulate the original and then later change faction name in text editor for all of its occurrences..

    Like thus: Ryanzombiesfaction > Ryanzombiesfaction_ALiVE

    ALiVE apparently reads only the units inside cfg groups instead of the faction units themselves.
    This confused me a for a second.
    So I made this new faction with new groups that had ryan's real zombie units in them and then using this faction now spawned those select units I wanted.

    I can little bit influence probabilities too by adding like 4 same type of unit and 1 other type to create a 4/5 ratio of the clones in a group for an increased occurrence but still I would prefer it being implemented in the mod itself as I don't want to make 999 zombies and 1 demon group to have 0,1% chance for demons being spawned.

    Thank you for your help and time :)

  4. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    ALiVE apparently reads only the units inside cfg groups instead of the faction units themselves.

    Any modules that spawn individual units (CQB, Civ placement) read directly from CfgVehicles. Otherwise, yes, everything is read from CfgGroups due to ALiVE's simulation-focused foundation.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by powreshard

    Hi, thanks. Civ placement reads from CfgVehicles? Strange since I didn't get that exact module to spawn anything without setting up CfgGroups for them. Actually the faction I created does not list any CfgVehicles at all, only CfgGroups with already existing CfgVehicles from another faction in them :D
    And that is what I have linked to my civilian placement module.

    A problem I have now is that my civilian placement module placed zombies which are independent side do not want to attack civilians of civilian side even though I have it enabled
    ryanzombiescivilianattacks = 1;

  6. I guess you could make a new faction, dressing BLUFOR or OPFOR in civ clothing. Probably the easiest way to work around it. At least from what I can figure.

  7. ^^^ You may want a dev reply if you absolutely NEED to spawn these units with civilian placement. I have not ever tested whether BLUFOR/OPFOR factions run through that module are treated as their side of origin. I'd assume they would but I don't know with certainty.

    I guess you could do a quick test and put BLU_F or OPF_F in the module and see before doing your ORBAT thing.

  8. @powreshard Can you share that ORBAT faction you made? Assuming it worked out ok for you I mean.


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