New SP Local Save

  1. 7 years ago

    First, let me say that I love you guys! ArmA isn't ArmA without ALiVE! I'm pretty new to ArmA and have spent most of my time learning how to create missions and then I got hooked on ORBAT and everything ALiVE.

    Secondly, thanks so much to HighHead for implementing SP local saves. For the life of me, I never could get my persistence to work in the Warroom. Everything showed clean but it never returned my saved game on reload. Stats and missions appeared in Warroom and my ALiVE profile was in the map section in game as well. I can now save local and all is right in the world.

    Which brings me to my question. Before I report it as a bug, does SP local save include saving your AI teammates? I've done a Player Save with ALiVE Save and I've also done an ALiVE Save without Player Save. In each event, the AI teammates do not reload. This includes with mods and on a clean save.

    Other than the teammates issue or nonissue, everything has worked well so far. Keep up the great work!

  2. Here you go:

  3. 4 years ago

    @ual002 I have very, very VERY good news for you, I'd wager! ;-)

    There is a ready-to-use script from Incontinentia for persisting all non-playable AI Teammates (position, health, equipment, ammo count), may they be editor placed or may they have been spawned & recruited by ALIVE or any other system. The script, however, requires you to to use ALIVE saving to make it work.

    Here is the link to the Github Download page:

    And here the link to the BIS Forums thread where I discussed with the friendly & helpful author a few questions about his script:

    If any AI temmate persisted with INCON squad persistence gets killed, he is gone for good/dead-is-dead-killed.

    Since this DOES NOT work for playable AI units, I had to come up with a "duct tape/improvised solution" for them. If that's what you want to do, just ask and I post my clumsy workaround here - at least something that works for the playble units, even if my code is laughable and primitive.

    Kind regards
