Tell me about player logistics

  1. 6 years ago

    So im looking at adding some more tasks to some missions and wondering what is and isnt possible with logistics. We currently use ACR interact to load and unload crates and such but theres no flexibility in where the object comes out, and in what orientation etc.

    If i were to make a task to construct say a mortar position for 3 tubes, how would that go with ALIVE player logistics? What options do you get when moving stuff about for layout etc, how believable and immersive is it and functionally how does the player go about it? Lastly how could i measure whether the task has been completed?

    Are there any examples out there of this stuff?

  2. Good question and patiently waiting on some answers because I would like to start implementing things like this to our missions as well.

  3. I'm not sure what you guys are asking to be honest. Just try it out and see if it fits your requirements. Also there's a video about it which should still be relevant:

  4. That video just about covers it. To be honest, it isnt entirely clear whats still valid and what isnt from the tutorials.

    Since there'd been no response, i stuck the module down and tried some stuff out and figured it out.

    For anyone reading this after, its not the most immersive system, but it gets the job done.

  5. @Reddog For anyone reading this after, its not the most immersive system, but it gets the job done.

    What kinds of things would you like to see added to make it more immersive?

  6. I have not seen an option in a mission or task to go and build up a location like what I am thinking that he is talking about in the OP. Also many of those videos out of date and honestly do more to confuse me than help me.


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