@Plzhelp65 Ok, but there is one more thing i'm confused about. When i add OPFOR to the map i do not add a TOAR to their civ and mil placements, i just blacklist BLUFOR's TOAR so that OPFOR populates the whole map besides BLUFOR's TOAR. Do you recommend i add a TOAR for OPFOR or is what i'm doing fine?
That’s fine. As long as you don’t overlap where BLU and OPF initially spawn, you won’t have any issues. However, one example of maybe trying out an OPF TAOR, would be if OPF severely outnumbered BLU on mission start, if that wasn’t what you were shooting for. Smaller spawn areas = less groups.
If you do choose to give OPF a TAOR, you can still make them aware of objectives outside the TAOR, by placing objective modules for the non-TAOR area, syncing them to their Commander, and setting them as “objective only.”