Alive will only spawn CSAT

  1. 10 years ago

    Hi Guys

    I must be doing something really stupid but no matter what I do I can only get alive to spawn in OPFOR units.

    I follow the quick start guide for placing the core modules and also the BLUFOR/OPFOR and start the mission, however even within the BLUFOR base it still spawns in OPFOR units. I have left out the OPFOR section of the guide but even that doesn't help.

    Feeling a bit silly as I have successfully built a few co-op missions for our clan using the previous versions of Alive, all without any hassle.

  2. Edited 10 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Is the "Force Faction" [] Set to BLU_F? By default it says OPF_F which will result in CSAT units being spawned. Perhaps you just forgot to change this field?

  3. God dammit, I'm Nearly sure I have used blufor instead of blu_f. I will check as soon as I get home and update. Thanks

  4. Confirmed - I'm a plonker :)

    Thanks for the help Spyder, your suggestion worked perfectly.

  5. Np glad it's fixed :)

    I'll leave this here for you or anyone else who may have this issue and stumble upon this thread

  6. 9 years ago

    Not only check the OPF_F default, but also BLU_F is case sensitive (i.e. "blu_f" will only spawn OPF_F). I was going @!#$ nuts trying to figure out why my mil placement was dropping OPF_F in my base even when I had it set to blu_f.

    I never came across a tutorial that warned about case sensitivity. Sorry if this is super obvious to long-time mission builders, but as a 3-week mission builder, I was stumped for days. If you could put that in your tutorial notes or something, I think it might save some other noobs a lot of heartache.

  7. Spyder, I think that Faction list needs to be updated. Factions such as the ISLA Duala units (Molatia and Afrene) aren't listed (MOL_army, AFR_army), as well as the Israeli Defense Force, Iraq Syria conflict, etc.

  8. I'll let Friznit know if he doesn't see this thread soon

  9. Friznit

    22 Jul 2015 Administrator

    I'll add them if they're known to work. Can you provide BIS forum links and classnames?

  10. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    MOL_army = Molation Army, AFR_army = Afrenian Army. They were working about a month ago at least so I assume that's still fine. BIF thread

    No clue for the rest. Can download and take a look through the course of the day.

  11. Deleted 9 years ago by PillowTalk
  12. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Isla Dula
    BIF Thread
    Molation Army - MOL_army
    Afrenian Army - AFR_army

    Iraq Syria conflict
    BIF Thread
    Islamic State (Opfor) - ISC_IS_O
    Syrian Army (Opfor) - ISC_SAA_O

    Islamic State (Independant) - ISC_IS_I
    al-Nusra Front (Independant) - ISC_alNusra_I

    Peshmerga (BLUFOR) - ISC_PESH_B

    Israeli Defense Force
    BIF Thread
    IDF (BLUFOR) - IDF_faction
    Hamas - HAMAS_faction

  13. Friznit

    25 Jul 2015 Administrator

    Thanks Spyder. Added to wiki.

  14. Hey Friz, apparently Iraq-Syrian conflict was already on the wiki so now it is double-listed. In the last section (community mod authors), second from the top and second from the bottom .


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