What mean green color in "Command Intel"?

  1. 8 years ago

    So, it's screenshot from OPF_F opcom. As you can see, in to green objectives has a red forces, and anothe green objectives has blue forces. What green color mean??

    Also, what mean anothe colors, yellow, white..? And status on "captured" and "occupied"?


  2. Also, as I can undestend, aliance tacom not swatch status objective if player do somthing. For example, I (one solder) go to enemy town, I go alone. I kill few enemy, but my opcom/tacom not react on this action.

  3. Green means reserve, I'll post the full color key later.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by Asmodeus

    @SpyderBlack723 I'll post the full color key later.

    Nice Spyder, will be great to have some reference!

  5. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Objective-State Color Key

    unassigned - white
    idle - yellow
    reserve - green
    defend - blue
    attack - red

    Captured means your forces have taken control of that objective.
    Occupied means your forces have garrisoned that objective.

  6. What does a green box with a question mark in it mean?

  7. Enemy forces have been sighted in that area.

  8. Thanks Spyder added to wiki:


  9. Edited 8 years ago by fLaf

    How can I get this colors? At now I use two state for coloring my map:

    	// caf_ag_afr_p
    	// BLU_G_F
        if ("BLU_G_F" in ([_x,"factions"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet)) then {
            _objectives = [_x,"objectives",[]] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
            	name_ = [_x,"objectiveID"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
            	pos_ = [_x,"center"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
            	size_ = [_x,"size"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
            	type_ = [_x,"type"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
            	makrek_name_major_ = "marker_" + name_ + "_major";
            	makrek_name_rspam_ = "respawn_west_" + name_;
            	opcom_state_ = [_x, "opcom_state"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
            	tacom_state_ = [_x, "tacom_state"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
    		if (isNil "tacom_state_") then { tacom_state_ = "none"; };
            } foreach _objectives;
    } foreach OPCOM_instances;

    I need on my map only 4 state:

    CIV magenta
    OPF_F red
    BLU_F blue
    Active battle yellow

    Only 4 states! How can I do this?

  10. Deleted 8 years ago by fLaf
  11. You can achieve the coloring by opcom-state by creating a marker over each objective and coloring according to the opcom_state variable.

    // create marker
    // set marker properties
    private ["_color"];
    //-- Orders
    switch (_opcom_state) do {
        case "unassigned": {
            _color = "ColorWhite"
        case "idle": {
            _color = "ColorYellow"
        case "reserve": {
            _color = "ColorGreen"
        case "defend": {
            _color = "ColorBlue"
        case "attack": {
            _color = "ColorRed"
        default {
            _color = "ColorWhite"
  12. ahha, thx u!!


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