groups spawn and targets

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Sure !! Tonight will do it, and let you know !

  3. Confirmed ! For me, with custom obj there is this spawn bug !

  4. You should share the mission again now that you've figured out the problem. Could you save it in a state where the mission is "broken" please?

    I can't offer much help but I can try it again to see if I can confirm the bug in my end this time now that we have a likely culprit.

    Set it up in a state where I can easily see the issue and describe what I should be seeing.

  5. Okk ! When i go back at home will do ad post ! Thanks man !

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah no problem. Like I said, I have no skill in being able to fix it but I'd like to see if this time I can confirm it and then we can see what the Devs can do.

    Just list clearly for me what the bug is and what I'm supposed to be seeing if it were working (which I'm assuming I'd see when deleting the cust in module, if that is in fact what is causing the problem).

    Just describe the bug in as much detail as you can so I don't miss it.

  7. Sry guys...yesterday was out of home too...hope tonight to be able to upload it ! In the waiting...i describe now the problem :

    I just wish to have red and blu moving around the area (4-8km) near the altis main airport, starting (red ) in molos airstrip and blu in feros airstrip (not sure of the name, i mean the one on south east of altis.

    So i set a commander (i describe for one, but i did for both ) set on occupation (i wish he defend too his progress ), linked to logistic and to a custom objective (i thinked it was better so i can set priority ) with specific troops (4 inf, 4mechanized, 1 tank ecc...up to total 12 groups), then linked to a civilian and military obj with a marker of an area around the airport. So 12 units red and 12 blu should spawn,right ? singleplayer or local host it works, but on dedicated server it spawns only red or only blu. Thats the problem !

    Changing custom to mil_obj temporary fixed, but removing debug or making changes to mission often bug again ! Will post a link to the problem tonight , Thanks guys !

  8. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    What are the chances you could capture a screen shot with the Virtual AI module debugged showing how things look in SP and then on the dedicated server?

    EDIT: Also, please make sure your mods on your server are the same as the client and up-to-date. And for the purposes of the test, please have no clientside mods. Just ALiVE/CBA on both, with the exception of @aliveserver on the server (only) if that's what you've been doing.

    When I have a chance to test this, this is how I'm going to do it. We need to make sure no outside influences could be causing a conflict.

    I use a lot of custom objective modules in my missions - I do this for fine tuning - and I haven't seen or had reports of any problems. Then again, I don't/can't use a profile counter on the server and don't usually debug virtual AI when I'm online, so if something is happening, I may not be aware of it.

    I'm very curious to find out what the problem is.

  9. Ok...sorry for the delay...was out every night and didnt had time to setup everything. Tonight i will be at home for i will post a link to the missions !

  10. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Whenever you get a chance I'll take a peak and see if I can at least confirm.

    I just had the oddest thing happen. I opened a mission of mine which has been remarkably consistent on initial spawns (it's called Prophet and it's over on BIS forums and has been working for everyone).

    So I opened the mission in the editor, I placed an ALiVE IED Factory composition to decorate one of my Taliban compounds, then I started the mission just to verify my profile counts before officially updating and everyone of my mil/civ obj module spawns on both sides wouldn't spawn.

    Only cust obj profiles spawned.

    So I freaked out, went back into the editor and opened and closed the virtual AI module, CQB module and OPFOR OPFCOM module and my spawns went back to normal.

    I tested it 3 times after and it was fine.

    I wonder if the game caches the missions in some way and goes nuts when you suddenly add something and immediately open the mission? Or maybe ALiVE core modules don't like being superseded in the mission.sqm by new objects or something and you need to open some to remind them they are boss?

    Or Arma just being Arma, probably.

    Anyway, It's odd how ALiVE missions can break seemingly out of nowhere like that.

  11. thats worring...i get similar problems....i menage to make everything work, then add an insignificant thing, and suddenly everything is bugged ! (spawns & opcoms, usually).
    here is the link of the full mission with no mods and no scripts at all:

    there the problem is that on dedicated server it spawns red OR blue units, never both.
    thanks man !

  12. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Cool. I'll try to take a look today or tomorrow. I'm troubleshooting some issues on my end too but I'll definitely put it on my server here soon-ish to see if I'm getting the same results.

    One thing: How are you determining no groups for one are spawning? Are you debugging the Virtual AI module or just teleporting around or what?

  13. I keep virtualai debug on, and count the numbers like "e6" ecc.. To double check i use admin teleport to take a look, but always confirm debug readings.
    This system seems very unreliable... Even numbering specific units (like in custom obj ) it seems to spawn everytime a number near the one set, or no units at all ! Im my case 12 units often turns in spawn 13 or 11 , and thats ok, but what if i need 1 ? 0 or 2 is very different, considering i manually set 1 group !

  14. I didn't have a chance to take a look yesterday. The issue here isn't an objective with 1 unit spawning 0, but an objective that's supposed to spawn 12 units spawning 0, right?

    I use a lot of custom objectives. I mean, a lot. I personally like to have more concise numbers (mil/civ obj spawns are intentional never "exact") so I do this to balance things out. So with that in mind, I've never seen a cust obj spawn 0 units when I set the override (except when of course ALiVE isn't initializing properly....example, the author is not a value error).

    So in situations where you want 1 unit, use cust obj or just manually place the unit and virtualized it. I use a ton of cust obj modules to spawn just a single unit in my missions.

    Anyway, I'll take a look at your PBO here as quickly as I can.

  15. ok man, huge thanks, i will just retry making the mission from zero following your suggestions!

  16. Yeah I really hope you can figure this out. That thing happened to me again where I added something to an existing mission (this time it wasn't an object. It was a trigger) and all of my mil/civ objective modules wouldn't spawn units again.

    And like the last time, only the cust obj module units spawned.

    So I did the same deal: I opened and closed just about everything, including the the Virtual AI, mil/civ obj modules, CQB module, Required and OPCOM modules and it went back to normal when I pressed play.

    Very strange.

    I'd say just deleting and replacing every module at this point is a good idea. Start by adding the necessities (Required, Virtual AI, etc), then replace your OPCOM and obj modules. Hopefully this will put the problem to rest.

    I think I'll take a peak at your mission posted above regardless. I'm kinda of curious at this point what could possibly be causing no units to spawn for you, whether you fix it by starting over or not.

  17. @DLEGION

    Did you get this sorted out yet?

  18. More or less...i rebuilded from zero. Seems to spawn both armies now (but still wrong numbers ), anyway i got the same problem as you : changing something often "bug " the spawns. Cant understand how adding a diary entry or a marker can screw it....but it seems somehow bug it.
    Now i have a version "working " with both armies....yeah ! I just have too much fear to move a single stone there !

  19. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    When you say the spawn numbers aren't always right, can you go into more detail?

    Regarding adding things and then no units spawning after, yeah it's very odd behavior. So what I do now is after adding anything new, I open and close a few modules and sometimes drag a module an inch and let it go.

    Sometimes my markers freak out (units spawn in blacklist marker areas) too and I just copy the markers, delete them, and paste them again. This is much more rare than the no units spawning thing but happens too.

    Yeah it's very strange but all in all I'd consider it more of a quirk than a really game breaking bug or whatever.

  20. Eh its more or less what is happening to me now. About numbers....i take last server launch as example : i set exatly 13 units for both...RED got 8 and BLU 15. Now 5 less units for red is more than 1/3 of the whole army...its too much difference !


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