Hi all,
I've Googled and tested and frustrated my nuts off on this. Basically, I'd like BLUFOR to use their lasers and GUER to add flashlights and use them at night. I've tried using the scripting in this thread but I'm not having much luck.
This is my description.ext:
class Extended_Init_EventHandlers { class Man { init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'lights.sqf')"; }; };
And this is my lights.sqf:
params ["_unit"]; if (side _unit == GUER) then { _unit addItem "Item_acc_flashlight"; _unit enableGunLights "forceon"; }; if (side _unit == WEST) then { _unit enableIRLasers "true"; };
It's on vanilla units so they should be XEH compatible. Anybody able to lend a hand?
Thanks in advance! And again, amazing work devs - the new features are incredible.