TANOA - use the full map - AI to use boats

  1. 7 years ago

    Hello all, with TANOA now released, how can we use the full map for AI to use boats and other transport methods to cross the islands ?
    have set up all the required modules but ai is not crossing the islands,

    any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Right now AI are attempting to swim across which is not ideal

  3. Not currently possible because it would require computationally expensive pathfinding scripts to accommodate ALiVE's virtual layer. It's a wishlist feature, but no promises. AI will move between the islands just fine when virtualized.

  4. They're investigating a possible solution: https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/issues/5

    Obviously this doesn't mean they'll come up with one, but they are working on it.

  5. Thanks all, will wait

  6. Tupolov

    14 Jul 2016 Administrator

    We shouldn't have units spawning in water. In theory they should spawn on nearest land. Unforunately, BIS AI are not always smart enough to avoid swimming...


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