Massive FPS lag

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi guys! I recently downloaded ALiVE and tried making a "quickstart" mission on Esseker. Unfortunately, when I tried running the mission, Arma ground to a halt with probably around 5-10 FPS at the most, making it completely unplayable. Decreasing the number of units, lowering the graphics settings, etc. did not help at all, and simply spawning in without any modules or anything doesn't cause FPS drops like this, so it's not the map. Any clue what could be causing this? Perhaps it's ALiVE trying to spawn OPFOR in all of the strategic locations?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    There was some discussion recently about Esseker on the ALiVE Github but apparently, although it does have some issues with ALiVE (I guess some unwanted objects can be considered objectives. You may want to look for this and blacklist some of them), no one is reporting it being unplayable aside from the map itself CTD'ing occasionally.

    Is this the only map it happens on with ALiVE loaded? If not, I'd suggest creating a new profile. A few people have reported similar issues and this apparently fixes the problem. Back up the old one before you do this just to be safe.

  3. That's the only map. I just threw a couple together for Stratis and Bornholm with the same settings for everything and they ran fine, with minimal FPS drop compared to usual play. How would I blacklist objectives? Just create another area and blacklist both sides from it?

  4. Yeah exactly. Just place some markers down and blacklist both sides from spawning in places and see if that helps. I've not used the map myself (not for ALiVE, anyway) so I'm really not totally sure what else you could try.

  5. If you like start up your Esseker mission then post your RPT file for us to look at - upload to or similar and link back here.

  6. That thing is one hell of a mess. I'm gonna verify the cache and turn off a few addons, because it's getting so many errors that pastebin choked on the size. Been having a few issues with Apex content anyway, we'll see if I can get it down to a reasonable size.

  7. Even a relatively spam-less rpt will have trouble fitting on pastebin. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cleaning up missions. Definitely do that. But don't expect even normal rpts to fit there.

  8. Certainly reducing the number of mods will help with troubleshooting as well.

  9. Well, now I feel kind of stupid for bringing this here in the first place. It appears to have been one of my mods; running the mission with only ALiVE, CBA, and Esseker loaded brought much better performace. This is pretty weird, since whatever was causing the lag was only causing it on Esseker. I have no clue what was causing the problem but am thanking my lucky stars that the launcher lets you use mod presets! If you guys want I'll send the mod-filled rpt but I imagine you won't want that, given that it has to be a couple thousand lines long. My best (uneducated) guess at what caused it might be Armscor, but that should be taken with a bus-sized grain of salt. It looked like some of Esseker's buildings were causing large amounts of rpt spam as well. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for the help!

  10. Friznit

    22 Jul 2016 Administrator

    I've had no end of trouble with Esseker buildings. Some of them would cause the whole platoon to CTD. It's banned from our repo now. Shame because it's a nice map otherwise.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Friznit have you determined which objects are causing the problems? I'm beginning to wonder if some other maps I use (Makhno's, mainly. Al Rayak, N'Ziwasogo) use the same ones because I have nothing but problems with his maps in a very similar way to what's being described here.


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