Database Module cause Server Crash on startup

  1. 10 years ago


    got a problem with alive database module. if i start the mission on our dedicated server without the module it works just fine. if i set up db mod the server seems so crash on startup and i get "no message recieved for..." and finally connection lost > server reboots.


    (unblocked @AliveServer folder before upload)

    Alive Warroom Group:
    My Profile

    Uploaded the (unblocked) alive.cfg on dedicated arma3 rootfolder because i dont have acess to C:\users\...

    If anyone could help me solve this problem it would be much appreciated.

  2. Tupolov

    9 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Need your ALiVEServer.log and alive.log along with server rpt

  3. Thanks for answering. Problem is i dont know where to find those Alive logs. All i have is the server rpt file.

  4. Tupolov

    9 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Should be in the root of arma 3

  5. Got only mpStatistics_xxxx.log files there... could that be related to this error at the end of the rpt file wich is saying Arma2Net.Unmanaged (X:\arma3\@AliveServer\Arma2Net.Unmanaged.dll)?

  6. Tupolov

    9 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Under @aliveserver what is in nlog.config? It will tell you where aliveServer.log is. Did you unblock the dll's?

  7. nlog.cfg >
    can i change the log folder manually?
    and yes i downloaded the rar file, unlocked it and uploaded it to dedicated server.

  8. Tupolov

    9 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Yeah change it to your root dir. You need to unblock on the dedicated server.

  9. just like this? fileName="${X:/Arma 3/AliveServer.log" ?
    how can i unblock them on the dedicated server, got only ftp permission to change read/write attributes nothing says unblock like on my local drive.

  10. ive tryed fileName="${X:\arma3\AliveServer.log" and fileName="${X:/arma3/AliveServer.log" but still no AliveServer.log file on root dir... server still crash but no more minidump at the end of rpt file

  11. Tupolov

    10 Feb 2015 Administrator

    you can just try fileName="aliveserver.log"

    we need this file to see if the plugin is actually launching correctly

  12. i tryed this in my nlog.config but still no alive.log file...dont get it.

  13. Tupolov

    10 Feb 2015 Administrator

    aliveserver.log is what we need, hmmm nothing in your @Aliveserver folder? nothing in arma 3 root folder?

  14. tryed to start the server with a mission containing just one player person and alive required/alive db module...same crash and no log

  15. Iam 100% sure there is no such file i checked it now many it possible the crash occours before the actual AliveServer mod is executed?

  16. Tupolov

    10 Feb 2015 Administrator

    tried with just cba_a3, aliveserver and alive?

    I suspect somehow the aliveserver dll is being blocked. No log is very weird and appears to suggest that the dll cannot be loaded.

  17. Maybe you can take a look for youshelf on our ftpserver? could give you acess...

  18. thats the log from starting an alive-team made mission with just cba,alive and aliveserver...

  19. nobody got an idea what i could made wrong?

  20. Tupolov

    11 Feb 2015 Administrator

    My only assumption is that the DLL is blocked on the dedicated server. Are you using FTP to move the DLLs to the server?

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