So here is my question,
I have several campaigns I'm creating that involve the campaign beginning with a Naval invasion from a fleet or with the players and their allies starting in a very very small area of the map and gradually working their way across the entire map.
As the inital blufor force will be very they proceed to capture objectives and establish more of a foothold...will the AI commander call in reinforcements to hold the ever increasing objectives held by his forces?
For example...let's say I have 20 initial units for Blufor with 1-2 starting objectives. As my forces move inland...will the AI commander ONLY call in more troops if my units drop below 20? Or will the AI commander call in troops to hold each future objective we take? Or....would the players need to use the ALiVE logisitics to call in troops manually to hold these new objectives (which would then be taken over by the AI Commander of course).
FYI, the Mil Obj module/CIv Obj Module for these campaigns is set to 400 per due to the size of the map. But the actual units starting out for the players and their allies (that I virtualize or have at the current objectives spawned) number around 20 or so.
This is important to note how this works as it will aid me in creating these types of invasion scenarios.