Permanently disable ai conmander

  1. 7 years ago

    can i completely disable ai commander, but still be able to call in ai reinforcement, and give them waypoints that will persist trough out the campaign? the idea here is to give the player the commanding role in a campaign, starting with minimum command points, and a few groups. and seize the island. The player needs to keep supplylines clear, building fob's and roadblocks. Also needs to recce enemy positions before an attack so he knows what to send to be able to conquer the objective.

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Maybe not an ideal solution, but I have a mission where I create an enemy AO, and ensure no friendly units are allowed to spawn there. So in a section of the map outside of the AO, place at least one cust obj (or feel free to even place MIL/CIV obj modules, with a TAOR marker they won't get sent outside of) synced to the Commander. And obviously have your Logistics set up with your desired force pool.

    As you take an obj and do your thing seizing it and building roadblocks (etc), you can then use Logistics to call in groups to areas (static defend, etc). As long as the Commander isn't aware of objectives within the AO, he will never send units to it on its own.

    But I'm pretty sure you need an OPCOM with at least one cust obj with at least one group, to utilize Logistics and have access to the Commander options to move these groups around with ALiVE's tablet systems.

  3. Tnx i will give it a spinn, have something in the pipeline...however as a future request it would be cool to have the ability to assign groups to high command without the usage of ai commander,so that we can have a high commannd campaign. hype hype:)

  4. You can lock groups from the commander's control using the operations tablet inside C2ISTAR


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