I'm fairly experienced with the ALiVE modules overall, but recently I've been working on a mission that takes place on the MBG_Celle2 map, which is supported, and I'm trying to recreate the Soviet Union invading West Germany in the 80s.
Anyways, my main question is in regards to TAORs. As I've got the TAORs currently angled diagonally across the map, I wanted to create a sort of 'frontline' without the need for the Invading and Defending forces to try and populate the locations in the back of the map where nothing should really be happening. As the NATO forces are outnumbered, I've currently got two (2) TAORs for BLUFOR setup and synced to a single AI Commander. In each of those TAORs I've got a Civilian, Military objective module with the field in it's attributes set to BLUFOR_TAOR_1. For OPFOR I've got 4 TAORs. OPFOR_TAOR_1...4 with modules in their areas as well. But all of these are synced to a single commander for each side. I've got company sized element chosen for the module's strength.
So, is this the proper way to configure a multiple TAOR setup? Or should I not need additional objective modules in each TAOR? Also, do I need to have each TAOR set with it's own AI Commander?