Editing local database entries?

  1. 7 years ago

    I'm trying to find out if I can edit entries in the local DB option for persistence. I have helicopters that disappear after a mission restart and I'd like to be able to reset them in the local DB.

  2. I honestly have no idea but in the meantime until someone else answers, maybe enable Zeus and add them back in manually?

  3. the helos are alive support units. I dont think adding them in ZUES will restore their capabilities.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by marceldev89

    I don't think Combat Support units are persisted in any way, they just spawn in from the mission file every mission start. Well that's what I believe happens. ^^

  5. @marceldev89 I don't think Combat Support units are persisted in any way, they just spawn in from the mission file every mission start. Well that's what I believe happens. ^^

    You can set respawn #’s in the module though. That variable you’d think would be stored somewhere.

  6. I can't find any code that would do that so probably not. :(

  7. @marceldev89 I can't find any code that would do that so probably not. :(

    CS respawn must be persistent though, right? Example, set attack choppers to 2 lives. Destroy it. Save. Load. There would be 1 respawn left?

  8. It's definitely not at the moment unless I've missed something. It SHOULD though, I guess.

  9. Maybe someone needs to rewrite CS. Someone. Hmmm. ;)


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