Here are the instructions for the database setup...still looking for the PDF manual
PersistentDB setup for MSO 4.5 ---- REQUIRED INSTALLATIONS ----
Install MySQL 5.5 - user: root pwd: enter a suitable password (including Workbench if possible), check installation path (!)
Install .NET 4.0 Client Profile and Reboot
Install .NET Framework 4.0 Full
Install MS Visual C++ Redistributable
Install mysql-connector-net-6.5.4
Install MySQL Workbench if you haven yet (if in doubt, just accept all default settings)
---- SETTING UP PDB ----
Check that MYSQL Server is running and import SQL dump using MySQL Workbench
get MSO[date].sql from mission folder \core\modules\persistentDB\ or use download-link below (attachments)
In MySQL Workbench > Manage Security > Setup a user called arma (set password) and give it dba permissions, ensure user can only connect from localhost.
Download and copy @Arma2Net folder to ArmA2(OA) Root directory (use download-link in attachments)
Copy Databases.txt (from Arma2netMysql folder) to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Arma2MySQL (-> create the folder if not there)
open the file, delete the #, change username to arma and change password (last two entries on line)
Update dedicated server (armaoaserver.exe) launch shortcut and add @Arma2NET to mod line
Launch the dedicated server shortcut, start up a mission with PDB and make sure it is switched to "ON" on params.
---- DEBUGGING ----
Install baretail log monitor
In baretail open the server rpt and the arma2net log file (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Arma2NET) - will indicate if MySQLPlugIn has been successfully loaded.
Once in game, in baretail open the mysqlplugin log (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Arma2MySQL\logs\[date].log - will indicate if SQL calls have been successful.
NOTE: Make sure in your locale regional settings the decimal seperator (maybe a comma ,) is set to dot (.)!