Can't finish the mission for solo play

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by Keplergamer

    Hey, I made a mission based on the quick tutorial video, I save it and it doesn't appear on missions to load. This is the first time I make a mission. I read all the faq, some tutorials and watched some guides. But couldn't get this info, witch I think is a basic one that should be on the FAQ:

    What do I do after I create the mission on the editor for it to appear on wherever I want.
    Do I need to move the file to the map folder?
    Do I need to load the AliveServer mod instead of the AlivePlayer mod?

    The information on what mod you should use, how to use it, how to save the mission, and then load it, either in the main menu, or making a Lan server for yourself. All this is lacking from the "Getting started" guides I read and watched(maybe it has on the 10 video tutorial, but this is a must have info for starters and should be on the one-video/text quick-and-dirty tutorials or FAQ) and I couldn't find anything related to this on the wiki. Just info about modules.....

    Still, having tons of fun using the "Preview" feature in the editor.... I just have to watch for not dying, even when ghosting, I can still get blown up, and just can't respawn.

  2. Some of your questions aren't really ALiVE-specific which is why they are not in the FAQ. For working in the editor and with PBO files see this tutorial:

    With regards to ALiVE saving and persistence please see this link:

    Your server will need to run the @aliveserver mod in addition to @alive and @cba_a3. Do not run @aliveserver mod on your client.

    You will need a War Room account - once you sign up there are instructions there on setting up your server to work with saving/persistence.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by Keplergamer

    Thanks for all the info.

    Still, I'd recomend to add basic info for people who are starting using the editor because they got their hands on Alive and didn't find any reason to do it before that.... Like me. :)

    So no way of loading anything with Alive using only the game? I still can play the missions in preview mode... Just can't respawn.

    Edit: Just saw the link on how to export. That's perfect, just add a link to that page on any quickstart tutorial and any description of the YT videos.

  4. Respawn does not work when using the editor, have to export to MP for that. Unfortunately, that's just Arma.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Keplergamer

    @SavageCDN Your server will need to run the @aliveserver mod in addition to @alive and @cba_a3. Do not run @aliveserver mod on your client.

    You will need a War Room account - once you sign up there are instructions there on setting up your server to work with saving/persistence.

    I've logged in War Room and there's nothing about help on setting up a server.

    Anyway, can I set a server and play on the same machine?

    How do I set a server? It seems that oppening the Arma3Server it's not the only need.
    I saw this video:
    If I follow those instructions on the same PC that I'll be playing does it work?

    And, what is the module to enable basic respawn, it seems the Alive Respawn is just to enhance the simple respawn and that needs to be enabled somehow....

    Besides that, I'm just having trouble activating the C2IStar and subsequently, requesting support for my troops.

    And then, a little later, I would like to know how to keep having Zeus module enable like I had in the editor. But with support request, that's not really necessary...

  6. Respawn cannot be enabled through a module, you must enter at least these lines in your mission description.ext

    respawn = BASE;
    respawnDelay = 3;

    You are able to host and play on the same machine. You can find the server setup instructions by

    1. Logging in to WarRoom
    2. Setup a group if you have not already
    3. Select "Profile"
    4. Select "Group Details"
    5. Navigate to "Server setup instructions" on the right
  7. Yes you can run the server on the same machine - try to assign 2 cores to the server .exe and the rest to your client .exe if possible (you can do this through Windows task manager).

    I recommend using TADST to start/configure the server if you've never done it before.

  8. Thank you all for the support. I'll try to colaborate by making a guide for this sort of trouble that I'm going trough.

    This TADST page has a very nice 1min video to set it all up. I'll certanily put that into the guide. I managed to start the server and google for Admin commands. But when loaded the missions it seems it got stuck on the loading screen... I'll try to remake all from scratch, of change a phew things to see what could it be.

    Also found my way to the BI Editor forums and posted a phew questions there....

    So far, made progress on finally getting access to my tablet - I had to change the object needed, because my char don't have the laser pointer.... I tried to make some requests but it seems our starting base was occupied by enemy forces, as I enabled some hostile civilians. Gotta look if it all works out once the base is recaptured....

    1 - What units do have a laser pointer anyway?

    2 - Do I have to make the "Profile all non profiled units" like in the quick and dirty tutorial? I stopped doing that once I read about it profilling my support vehicles.....

    3 - Also, nice feature on the commander that you can spectate a group, are there any hotkeys to move inbetween groups, or trough the map, or inbtween units on that group?

    Anyway, having tons of fun with this mod, it finally gave what I wanted with Arma. And background sound of combat its awesome.

    I'm using Southern Sarrani as my playground. Blu_for on bottom invading Red_for on the north. Made one epic video in a night battle that I've uploaded to my account. But I want to remake the video with a better colour filter and another version only with highlights. All that only using "Preview" mode. :D

    Then I made a plattoon for myself and remade the mission only going with them trough the west side of the map, it was way more pacific than I thought, as the army won the war easily. Then I noted that I didn't gave equal forces balance on the Civ_Objs. But still had some trouble and was nice to see all the helicopters and vehicles going back and forth. You can imagine the battle ragin on.

    Now I'm trying to make my next incursion going tru the East side. After that, I'll go tru the open plain on the middle with the big town. And another with the small passage going up the mountain canyon. And somewhere inbetween I'll just make a session where I watch all the battles trough the spectator mode. Or just teleporting around... All those I'll make videos and upload to my channel.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by Keplergamer

    Here's the epic night run, the big fun starts at 22min and the great run at around 25:30.

    And here's the West Incursion:

    (still not published until 24h from now, to allow the first video to be on top of the page....)

  10. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    3 - Also, nice feature on the commander that you can spectate a group, are there any hotkeys to move inbetween groups, or trough the map, or inbtween units on that group?

    Not right now, you'll have to go back through the command tablet and quit spectating before selecting a different group.

    But when loaded the missions it seems it got stuck on the loading screen... I'll try to remake all from scratch, of change a phew things to see what could it be.

    If you got stuck when initially joining the server (before choosing a unit to play with), make sure you all mods active on the server that are required to run the mission.

  11. 1 - Team or Squad leader will have a Laser Designator. If you are running in the editor preview, if you hit ESC you will have a debug console to work with. Type this in the big empty space:

    player addWeapon "LaserDesignator"

    Then hit the EXEC button (local or global) - a designator will magically appear in your inventory :)

    2 - Generally you want to avoid profiling vehicles that players will use or any units/vehicles/statics that need EXACT placement and facing (as when they are spawned back in they might not be in the exact same spot).


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