Map Background WarroomWebpage

  1. 9 years ago

    First of all, apologize my bad english.
    Second - GodDamn this Mod is so Amazing. In the last 2-3Month i play around with it and its completly stunning.
    Its Crazy, i prefer Multiplayergames, and make Missions for us, but when i tested around with Alive then mostly iam alone on the Server, but when time flies i catch myself that not sure anymore whether alone on the Server....
    Great Job to the Whole DevTeam this is right way for a fully new sandbox game experience, Thanks!

    Most of the time if find my own created mistakes and learn a lot from Mission build to another.
    Of course i have some questions.....
    Here are only one, because for this one i cannot find anything in the whole internet...forums or something on my site.
    50% in Warroom are Saved. This at the moment a testingphase so there are more "learning" and catch one mistake by another...
    But the question is, i cannot see the Map(Earth) Backgound in the Warroompage. Only a Blackscreen. No Operartions PopUp.
    I tried everything, yes every Browser out there from the bigger ones. All updated, no problems with other websites.
    Maybe you deactivated for performance in the Warroom? I google it but cannot find something in this way, either it seems no one has this problem.
    I know its only the Background Map...but it looks great :)


  2. Hi Timeless,

    Thanks for the compliments. Can I ask what map you are using in your mission? I don't think all supported maps have tiles created - in other words not all maps will show a background in the War Room. There is nothing you can do at the moment unfortunately but it will get done.

  3. Thanx for your reply Savage

    For all my tests in the last 5weeks i use Chernarus_Summer with AiP.
    I dont know maybe is CUP better?
    Anyway then its not an error on my site, i will try it with another map.

    Hm now when iam here maybe i should ask something more, i hope this are the right words.

    I aware of the issue with ACE3 Medical system and not recording Kills.
    At the moment we looking for another way or a "between the chair" solution. (i know this not the right words in english :) ...)
    But the standard medic system is to low and advanced makes only sense (for us) that is useable when a player can get unconsciousness or maybe more to use CPR.
    Now the few questions....

    The Server connects to the Warroom, the Operations came up, my player movement, get in get out.
    Drive a vehicle...
    But no Logistics, no weapon usage, no shoots, but also no medic or something in this way.
    The GroupFind button in the Warroom like in the Tutorial video it doesnt show up for me.
    No kills recording its known but the others i cannot find the issue.
    Need for tests 2 players on the server?

    We use the r3f, yes i do all the stuff, required Alive_Logic the reprecherplace file etc.
    But with or without r3f logistcs dont store in the warroom, like the other stats.

    Yes we use mods, but nothing that not are bigger/commercial, and yes i do everytime tests with and without mods.
    I cannot find errors in rpts where arrays dont send content to the warroom/json files or something.
    The same in the aliveserver.cfg log files.

    A few lines exist i dont know how understand this, similiar to this one.

    • "No params given for ALIVE_fnc_BUS - exiting..."
    • But after that he loads all modules, init completed and send his arrays to the warroom.

    There is another big big issue this not 100% repeatable, but sure 90% sure its on my site.
    When i want the option that the VAI is further operating except nobody is on the server, and a bigger amount of time i came back login, yeah take time but the thing is when connected the VAI is mostly visible and walk at the same place. This AI is physical there, i can shoot them but they wont die and they dont shoot back. Then when i go up to Zeus and place manuel Units, this Units are freaking totaly out but no enemies died or engage back.
    It seems they are between the caching or something.
    Now in my testing^^ i try to use the abort button, to not save some testshit to the warroom, for your beatiful databases ;)
    But when i do this, at this stage i talk before, the server crashed when the rpt log is growing to big in a very small time with the line

    "Cannot find Player id XXX"

    I resolve the issue when is use the "cba auto xeh"pbo - but i cant accept this cause most addons dont need this one and use already the cba xeh.
    I decide dont use some mod/units to need this cba pbo.
    The last 1week the problem dont show up, but yesterday again.

    Now when i read this wall of text i assume that its all not playable, but thats not right.
    When i setup the new alive scenario an test it, then i can play in a wonderfull way thanxs Alive :)
    Except this issues in the warroom.
    And the Caching - but all in all, i think there are things on my site.

    Maybe for interests i can provide logs or something.
    When someone have a hint that was nice.

    There was an idea, some issues may came from the server itself.
    Its a hosted machine, no root file access. Yes its windows, and yes files are no blocked.
    The WarroomGroup is TheNinjaBears TNB

    Thanks for looking at this textwall :)

  4. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I believe he was referencing the warroom world map on the main screen, which does appear to be broken if not disabled.

    Will have to be relayed to Tup

  5. @Timeless - if you still have your logs feel free to post them here (link to pastebin or something) - we'll have to get the dev who handles persistence to take a look.

  6. Hey Alive Team,

    thanx for your reply.
    Sry that i dont answer the other days, cause i quit the Hoster and take all the stuff to a new one.
    Now its more Rootaccess/dedicated.

    First big thanks, i can now see the beatiful background map at the Warroom webpage :)

    Second, the "issue" that i try to describe, still exists, at the new server too.
    But its rarely repeatible. It seems (very rare), that when i testing and connect to the server the VirtualAI is not fully switch from the cache to the "playerworld".
    At this time the Server is at 0FPS and 0CPS. When i use "abort" and not player exit or admin save, then the server crashed cause the rpt is flooting with.

    "Cannot find Player id XXX"

    Additional when iam switch to a better hardware i assume further the issue is on my side.
    In my personal player stats are nothing recording except Vehicle using, playtime, Operations, KIA.
    But in the Groupsection the Weaponusing are tracked, 50/50%.

    In the Mission Modules are nothing off that for Persistence, except change playerrole/manuell playerstate reset.

    In the aliveserver.log i assumed the parsing or something for the server.cfg file is wrong for me.

    [2016-01-14 10:50:27] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerName]
    [2016-01-14 10:50:27] [debug]     Function: ServerName
    [2016-01-14 10:50:27] [debug]     Params:
    [2016-01-14 10:50:27] [info]     Config file: C:\ArmaServer\C:\ArmaServer\TADST\RealismRPMod\TADST_config.cfg" "
    [2016-01-14 10:50:27] [error] ###### ServerName ######
    [2016-01-14 10:50:27] [error]     Error: Unable to open config file
    [2016-01-14 10:50:27] [error]     RAW:   ServerName
    [2016-01-14 10:50:27] [debug]     Return value [['ServerName','ERROR','Unable to open config file']]


    The last test for the warroom was only with CBA & Alive/Aliveserver
    The Operation was named DBTest.
    I can upload every file which you need.
    I will make a new test in the next hours and load all files up.

    Thank you

  7. 8 years ago


    i do a simply mission only with alive and cba, and this logs are when i load it the second time.
    So there are the load mission and connect can see, but no shoots weapons etc only one time.

    RPT ServerLog.

    Need you Performance Data or something like that?
    Thanks and greets :)

  8. Thanks for the logs... might take a few days since things are pretty slow around here.. bump this thread next week if you haven't heard a reply.

  9. Thanks for the answer Savage.
    How i say it...maybe the issue is on my site.
    I rolled all back because the one issue the i describe.

    I want play with this mod and i dont give up ;)
    Maybe you want take a look here.
    I dont post it here cause i dont think its a problem on the Alivemod site.

  10. Ok I've replied on the BIS forums


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