good to know, that iam not alone with this^^
good to know, that iam not alone with this^^
I spent about an hour last night monitoring a test mission and I also did not see any IEDs however I did see suicide bombers and ambush points (as well as roadblocks, depots, recruitment HQs). I wasn't specifically looking for IEDs though so I'll keep my eye out for them.
i see one time a ambush. But never an IED or an IED Factory. Also there isnt the ambient Roadtraffic. Something is really wrong^^
So have someone now a idea how to solve theese problems (or have i to wait for a bugfix, because its not Missionrelated):
Ambient road traffic is not really something that ALiVE handles.. you can set the amount of ambient vehicles in the CIV module but that just places empty vehicles.. no guarantee someone will be driving :)
Others are reporting issues with IEDs and factories so I'll be testing that over the weekend.
"There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ!" - which map are you using? Try a larger TAOR marker perhaps? Sounds like ALiVE isn't detecting anything it can use as an HQ... and unless there are no buildings in your TAOR I'm not sure what would cause this error.
Ok the problem is most likely with the Bornholm map itself. Can you try placing a custom objective with a composition (like a camp) and see if it picks that up for an HQ?
Ok did a total wipe and reinstall of arma 3 and ran test with just fresh installs of ALIVE and CBA. Let the game run for about 5 hours. Items seen in that time Roadblocks weapon caches spawning an explosive box recruitment buildings and recruitment HQ roadblock recruitment and ambush recruitmenot and plenty of civilian vehicles and ai patrols.
Not seen. No ambushes IED's or IED factorys. No bombers. And very few civs maybe 3 or 4. Modules on all were set to extreme.
@SavageCDN Ambient road traffic is not really something that ALiVE handles.. you can set the amount of ambient vehicles in the CIV module but that just places empty vehicles.. no guarantee someone will be driving :)
hmm. OK. See it as Feature Request xD Its on Insurgency-Missions really great, when you drive on a round with much AI-Traffic and be scared because of everywhere can an IED, an Suicidebomber, Roadblock, ... every Car can be a bomb...
I have a Server with my mission (at the moment only implementing functional things, not much visuals^^, but enaugh to see this bug). Feel free to test it on the mission and see the problem.
required mods: @CBA_A3;@task_force_radio;@bornholm;@ace3_unofficial;@AliveServer;@Alive;@RHSAFRF;@RHSUSF
@Watchman - are you using Bornholm to test? My test on Stratis shows a LOT of civs spawning when set to extreme numbers.
he wrote, that he is only using Arma vanilla (so i understand) - i didnt have a problem with the amount of Civs. Take attention to the Username :P
I understand I just wanted to confirm (so if Watchman is not using any other mods he must be testing on Altis or Stratis.. both of which spawn lots of civilians when set to extreme).
Any repro test has to be done with just @CBA_A3 and @ALiVE.. for example your mod line includes @ace_unofficial which may or may not cause issues as we have not tested with that yet.
we just changed yesterday from @agm. On alive is no difference to see.
Total vanilla on Stratus was the test. Use takistan for actual missions atm. Will run another test in a couple of hours and see what happens.
@SavageCDN Ok the problem is most likely with the Bornholm map itself. Can you try placing a custom objective with a composition (like a camp) and see if it picks that up for an HQ?
2015/04/23, 14:36:04 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:05 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:06 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:10 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:11 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:12 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:13 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:15 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:20 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing 2015/04/23, 14:36:20 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing 2015/04/23, 14:36:20 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing 2015/04/23, 14:36:21 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:25 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:26 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:27 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ! 2015/04/23, 14:36:28 There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ!
doesnt work :(
OK an update re: IEDs and IED factories
i changed that in dev already to spawn more IEDs and Sabotage missions - basically it only sets up an IED factory in objectives > 500m in size
So.. some tweaks to IED stuff for next update!
@Larynx - apparently that message is only a warning - an HQ still gets 'created' and does HQ stuff just no building gets assigned and no civs get sent to the HQ.
ALiVE ambient civlians do use cars and drive around. You need to use the modules (civ pop, amb civ placement) with appropriate settings (f.e. place cars). This a footage of an ambush on an ambient civilian truck:
Can you please try to run a simple mission on Stratis or Altis, to rule out that there are no suitable buildings found on Bornholm?
Cheers for the news on the update on IED's. Running another test now on Stratis vanilla and plenty of civs spawning now.
Just a thought but it's been at least a week of gaming and testing for us since we saw an ied or ied factory. Could it be the patch on the 17th broke something.
If I'm wrong in the last statement then I apologise before hand.
@highhead Hi!
ALiVE ambient civlians do use cars and drive around. You need to use the modules (civ pop, amb civ placement) with appropriate settings (f.e. place cars).
because this I was asking - didnt found any traffic :( The civilians are running across the island :P
To the IED's - i hope they are witht he update not only in the city anymore.
I think it will run on other maps. The problem is: why doesnt it run on Bornholm?
@SavageCDN @Larynx - apparently that message is only a warning - an HQ still gets 'created' and does HQ stuff just no building gets assigned and no civs get sent to the HQ.
good to know. Thanks for the information.
Next Bug found: The CQB Modul ignores the OPCOM Assymetric - Modul. It spawns in every City (small or big) Enemys. Its simply impossible to make a Patrol through City's to prevent the entry of Terrorist's there. On two ways: First, there are everytime Enemy's because the CQB-Modul. Second: The hostibility is imidiate climbing. At beginning is it -100. When i drive in the city it goes to 10. Why? Doesnt understand it.
I'm sure there is an option in the CQB module that makes it that they will only spawn in the areas they control not all over the map.
the module is synced with OPCOM.
And the Serverlog say's:
2015/04/24, 18:01:15 ALiVE CQB Houses prepared for use with OPCOM Insurgency!
So i understand, why there are everywhere Enemies.