Mission Templates

  1. 9 years ago

    cool! cant wait to try them out tonight!

    As I play single player almost exclusively these days - can the halo insertion bring your Ai squad mates with you? Halo has always been a very cool/fun feature... but not when you have to wait for your squad mates to catch up using alternate transportation.

  2. Ah, I see. A bit annoying that it takes way too long for objectives to be given (Sat around for literally 20-30 minutes and nothing happened) but hoping that the changes that are planned for a post 1.0 update will make them a bit more active. Having them react to user generated tasks sounds like exactly the thing to do it.

  3. @SpyderBlack723 @ghosteez
    Yeah they do, it sounds like you may have some issue that bugs the keybinding, some others have reported it. The only thing I can suggest is that you download the latest version of CBA. If that doesn't work then maybe I can get a dev to look into it. Let me know!

    Ok, got that working, thanks! CAS and Transport are working good, and I figured out a bit more tweaking to modules.

    My one big thing now is how to get respawn working. Obviously the vanilla spawn on squad is working, but I'd like to get an insertion working, or even spawn in building.. it seems no matter how I name the marker and select the type from the Multispawn it refuses to work. I was hoping this would work for MP too so I could port it over for playing w/ friends.

    Sorry for the noob questions, have been using this mod for 2 days lol!

  4. Tbh I've never used those options before. Working on missions over the next few days and I'll try to get an example of these working and send it to you (or atleast explain it).

    Sorry for the noob questions, have been using this mod for 2 days lol!

    We all had to start somewhere :)

  5. Thanks Riley^, I was super busy today and never did get to anything.

  6. @SpyderBlack723 Thanks Riley^, I was super busy today and never did get to anything.

    Glad to help in anyway I can. I see you get swamped sometimes.

  7. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    QCB troops seem to never notice me. I'm able to enter through a back door, shoot one, and have the partner continue to stare into space. If I cross their LOS in their fixed position, they start shooting; but otherwise never seem to look around or notice us.

    This was supposed to be fixed, I am not sure if it has actually gotten into a public release yet though. I'll test today at some point. Friz said his worked fine so maybe it did.

    I have encountered the stuck AI but I am not sure what causes it as sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. I haven't seen it for a few weeks so I kinda forgot about it. Maybe a mod conflict of some sorts as I never play full on missions without a modpack. I would test with a vanilla game and see if you can repro it that way.

  8. 7 years ago

    I never actually used it, was just a fluff feature for the missions. I don't get too much time for the game anymore these days.

  9. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @kovyV I will do that, side question, is 3CB Logistics built into alive? If not, how much extra work do I need to do to set it up?

    3CB supplies all work perfectly as far as I can tell when using ALiVE's Logistics. Regarding their resupply points for helicopters and vehicles (two separate objects they call "servicing point objects"), they are included in the 3CB mod as objects you can just place down in the editor. Then just drive near the object, or fly near the object, and with the engine off, when you open the scroll wheel options you will have the option to rearm/refuel/etc. It's sweet. I wish all mods had this.


    They have something for "logistics" too but I honestly haven't tried those or really know what they offer that the servicing point doesn't.

    Oh and to the guy that asked for me to use a Tanoa whiteboard map in the showcase, because today's platform update included one, I just added it. :) The link above for the mission links to the updated version.