Mission Templates

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  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Them standing in place is just them waiting for a new objective. Maybe there could be a small system put in place where units in this situation were put on ambient movement/patrol until they are given new orders. I definitely agree that it would help immersion greatly. Probably a post 1.0 improvement since they are planning to greatly increase the depth in which AI are tasked/controlled. You can submit any suggestions and view the roadmap at the Dev Heaven page: http://dev.withsix.com/projects/alive/activity

    AI reacting to User made tasks is a future goal they wish to make happen.

  3. Ah, I see. A bit annoying that it takes way too long for objectives to be given (Sat around for literally 20-30 minutes and nothing happened) but hoping that the changes that are planned for a post 1.0 update will make them a bit more active. Having them react to user generated tasks sounds like exactly the thing to do it.

  4. " A bit annoying that it takes way too long for objectives to be given (Sat around for literally 20-30 minutes and nothing happened"

    • Could be that their were no objectives prioritized for that group (in which case ambient movement sounds like it would work perfectly).
    • The more objectives you have the slower analysis by Military AI Commanders will go, e.g. Analysis of a battle over all of Altis will take more time than a battle over stratis
  5. Yeah sounds like that particular group was tasked with defending that objective... or perhaps there weren't enough groups left to task to another objective (in which case the AI commander will just 'sit and wait').

    The standing still is a bit weird though usually AI groups will patrol around if defending an objective (virtual groups will not 'patrol' in that their group icon stays in the same spot when virtualized. Once they get spawned into the game they will start patrolling after a few minutes).

  6. I've witnessed this a few times recently with Spider's templates. coming across enemy squads that seem to be stuck in their formations and not moving at all (perfect lines). bit of an immersion breaker.

  7. Hey all, I'm super super new to the ALiVE mod, these templates have helped a lot, turns out I was overthinking something super simple! lol.

    My main question is, do these missions, specifically the Altis full-scale war, support like CAS runs? Transport? Reinforcements? [If that's possible? New squad members?]

    I know how to do CAS runs, I set it up myself, I know that much, lol! Same w/ Transports, but I can't for the life of me open up the little Tablet, I've rebinded key 20 to P and it still refuses to work, restarts and all.

    I have a laser deg, radio, all that, nothing. What am I doing wrong here? I've added the required modules and linked them. I can see my CAS choppers in-game.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Yeah they do, it sounds like you may have some issue that bugs the keybinding, some others have reported it. The only thing I can suggest is that you download the latest version of CBA. If that doesn't work then maybe I can get a dev to look into it. Let me know!

  9. @SpyderBlack723 @ghosteez
    Yeah they do, it sounds like you may have some issue that bugs the keybinding, some others have reported it. The only thing I can suggest is that you download the latest version of CBA. If that doesn't work then maybe I can get a dev to look into it. Let me know!

    Ok, got that working, thanks! CAS and Transport are working good, and I figured out a bit more tweaking to modules.

    My one big thing now is how to get respawn working. Obviously the vanilla spawn on squad is working, but I'd like to get an insertion working, or even spawn in building.. it seems no matter how I name the marker and select the type from the Multispawn it refuses to work. I was hoping this would work for MP too so I could port it over for playing w/ friends.

    Sorry for the noob questions, have been using this mod for 2 days lol!

  10. Tbh I've never used those options before. Working on missions over the next few days and I'll try to get an example of these working and send it to you (or atleast explain it).

    Sorry for the noob questions, have been using this mod for 2 days lol!

    We all had to start somewhere :)

  11. We can use the Heli insertion as an example:

    1. Place your normal "respawn_west" marker and have the respawn type as 3 or base in description.ext. This is a fallback in case the insertion breaks.
    2. Place a marker named "ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_INSERTION_%FACTION%" (replacing %FACTION% with the faction your unit is. So for BLU_F it would be "ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_INSERTION_BLU_F") where you want the Heli to appear with you in it.
    3. Place a marker where you want the Heli to land and name it "ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_DESTINATION_%FACTION%" (replacing %FACTION% as stated above.)
    4. Place the MultiSpawn module and select insertion as the respawn type.

    Thats it, should work.

  12. Thanks Riley^, I was super busy today and never did get to anything.

  13. @SpyderBlack723 Thanks Riley^, I was super busy today and never did get to anything.

    Glad to help in anyway I can. I see you get swamped sometimes.

  14. does anyone have an Insurgency ALiVE Stratis mission?

  15. @KRDucky does anyone have an Insurgency ALiVE Stratis mission?

    I could make a rough one real quick for you but you might also be interested in this tutorial..

  16. just burned through ~3 hours making Insurgency ALiVE Stratis.

  17. @SpyderBlack723 Thanks for the templates, they got me started with spinning up ALiVE. Right now I forked your Landlord scenario, added ACE and have the server running ASR_AI. I've also had the non-moving troops issue, seems to occur in two circumstances:

    • Pickup troop tasks AI stand in formation, but never acknowledge that I've landed/pulled up near them.
    • QCB troops seem to never notice me. I'm able to enter through a back door, shoot one, and have the partner continue to stare into space. If I cross their LOS in their fixed position, they start shooting; but otherwise never seem to look around or notice us. Things I tried to fix include: toggling the QCB module from "JIP Players" to "Server", and including the same AI mod on the client.

    If anyone knows the source of the "stuck" AI or why it seems to occur on QCB spawned AI 100% of the time; please let me know where to dig :)

  18. Friznit

    11 Jun 2015 Administrator

    I was playing with CQB last night (heavily modded game, RHS, AIA_TP, ASR_AI etc) and they were playing very nicely. I suggest trying on a vanilla game with just CBA and ALiVE running to see if you get the same issues.

  19. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    QCB troops seem to never notice me. I'm able to enter through a back door, shoot one, and have the partner continue to stare into space. If I cross their LOS in their fixed position, they start shooting; but otherwise never seem to look around or notice us.

    This was supposed to be fixed, I am not sure if it has actually gotten into a public release yet though. I'll test today at some point. Friz said his worked fine so maybe it did.

    I have encountered the stuck AI but I am not sure what causes it as sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. I haven't seen it for a few weeks so I kinda forgot about it. Maybe a mod conflict of some sorts as I never play full on missions without a modpack. I would test with a vanilla game and see if you can repro it that way.

  20. The game is hosted on a dedicated (linux) server currently, by default the QCB was aimed at JIP clients. Do you guys think I'd have better luck with leaving the AI on the server, or connecting a HC to it? The rest of the AI behaves like good ASR_AI, throwing smoke, taking cover, being suppressed, etc.

    @Friznit I'm running a subset of that modlist += ACE. Did you need to add any troop classes or similar to get ASR_AI to work for your QCB?

    I'll fork again and remove the ACE components, enable QCB again, and load with only ALiVE+CBA; then go from there.

  21. My mission . ( M4rt1al and Master-Antonio ) .

    I hope whether you like it.

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