Favorite Unit Packs

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  2. 8 years ago


    6 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Awesome list! Thanks Sir!

  3. 3CB British Unit Pack ....
    I want to use it but I just don't get the whole "put vehicles to be used by the AI Commander" Thing.
    Can someone explain me please, what I have to do to get my OPCOM to spawn/order vehicles as well as infantry?

  4. @Murdock 3CB British Unit Pack ....
    I want to use it but I just don't get the whole "put vehicles to be used by the AI Commander" Thing.
    Can someone explain me please, what I have to do to get my OPCOM to spawn/order vehicles as well as infantry?

    Yeah Murdock I'd like clarification on this too. I've put countless hours into 3CB/ALiVE and have seen a grand total of one occurance of a placed motorized vehicle doing anything other than sitting there. And even then it was a fluke (I added a module and forgot to blacklist OPFOR from spawning in my base. A CAS chopper went up in the sky and started raining rounds down on the insurgents).

    The way I was told to do this was to place a manned vehicle and sync it to the Virtual AI module. I've done this with choppers and ground vehicles and other than that one time, they've never moved from their position so I definitely don't think I'm doing it right. They never go on "assignment."

  5. Make sure the setting in the Virtual AI module is set to profile synced units

  6. Yeah pretty sure it is but I'll definitely double check.

  7. I always use the other option for Virtual AI module.. Why is it recommended to use the profile synced units? Do the new spawned units get profiled then?

  8. @Murdock I always use the other option for Virtual AI module.. Why is it recommended to use the profile synced units? Do the new spawned units get profiled then?

    If I'm understanding Savage correctly it's not the option you choose that matters, it's that ALiVE profiles these manned vehicles. So if you had it set to profile all units except the ones that are synced, as long as the vehicle was unsynced (so virtualized), it should go on assignment.

    Again I'll have to make sure I have it set up right. Pretty sure I do. 99.99% positive my manned vehicles are all virtualized right now and they never move.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Check that. I'm 100% positive my manned vehicles are profiled. Debugged a mission last night and my 4 vehicles were "e0," "e1," "e2" and "e3" all represented by the blue square.

  10. And these profiles never move during the mission? Maybe they are assigned to defend that particular objective? Hmmmmm.....

  11. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @SavageCDN And these profiles never move during the mission? Maybe they are assigned to defend that particular objective? Hmmmmm.....

    Definitely possible. I have BLUFOR (me) set to Occupation. Maybe I'll try Invasion and see if they start moving (and no, they never move).

    Sort of OT, but I'm noticing in my missions, that when I go to Operations to try and adjust the waypoints of my units so they can help me take an objective, only 2-7 are ever available. I have a total of 120 for mil/civ Force Pool. And I even changed my Friendly Radius in the C2ISTAR module to 6,000m with no change.

    I get no errors when debugging so the question...

    Why are my other 115 or so units not showing upon the map during the missions, even with Virtual AI debugged? Is this Intel restricted to me on purpose so I can't have 120 profiles all in the same place at once? I've toggled everything you could imagine to show me as much as possible in the C2ISTAR module and nothing changes this.

    With Virtual AI debug on, the map will be littered everywhere with red OPFOR and they will always have 120 units on the map so I don't understand this. Where are my units?

    Is this intentional?

  12. This is a question for @SpyderBlack723

  13. Edited 8 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    In order for a vehicle to move, you need to have that vehicle faction name in the Military Commander AI module. As long as you have that, you're fine. Then just make sure you virtualize them with the Virtual AI module. That's it.

    What I do with 3CB is I place empty Jackals and Coyotes on the map, fill them with Royal Marines or 3CB Army units, then include both the infantry faction name, and vehicle faction name in the Commander AI module. That's it.

    If you place manned Jackals and Coyotes, know that the crew will be Vanilla Nato drivers. Hence...why I place empty ones and replace with authentic 3CB crews.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Brilliant, AuTigerGrad. Thank you. :)

  15. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Definitely possible. I have BLUFOR (me) set to Occupation. Maybe I'll try Invasion and see if they start moving (and no, they never move).

    Sort of OT, but I'm noticing in my missions, that when I go to Operations to try and adjust the waypoints of my units so they can help me take an objective, only 2-7 are ever available. I have a total of 120 for mil/civ Force Pool. And I even changed my Friendly Radius in the C2ISTAR module to 6,000m with no change.

    I get no errors when debugging so the question...

    Why are my other 115 or so units not showing upon the map during the missions, even with Virtual AI debugged? Is this Intel restricted to me on purpose so I can't have 120 profiles all in the same place at once? I've toggled everything you could imagine to show me as much as possible in the C2ISTAR module and nothing changes this.

    With Virtual AI debug on, the map will be littered everywhere with red OPFOR and they will always have 120 units on the map so I don't understand this. Where are my units?

    Is this intentional?

    I've been summoned.

    Could be something bugged with the units/mission. As long as you aren't running into some wierd break-case, every unit that is being properly controlled by the OPCOM of your side/faction should be available in the list.
    Try setting up a quick vanilla mission using BLU_F as the controlled faction, spawned faction (placement module) and using a NATO unit as the player. Let me know if the issue persists.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @SpyderBlack723 I've been summoned.

    Could be something bugged with the units/mission. As long as you aren't running into some wierd break-case, every unit that is being properly controlled by the OPCOM of your side/faction should be available in the list.
    Try setting up a quick vanilla mission using BLU_F as the controlled faction, spawned faction (placement module) and using a NATO unit as the player. Let me know if the issue persists.

    So if things were working correctly, and I set friendly Intel radius to be the entire map size and turned on debug for the virtual AI, I'd:

    1. See every single unit on the friendly side? So if I had a Force Pool of 120 I'd see 120 blue squares...


    2. I'd be able to directly control the movements of all 120 groups and they'd all show up in my operations section of the tablet?

    If so then yes, something I did broke something. I'll test vanilla later for sure.

  17. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Friendly intel radius is only the radius used to mark friendly groups on the map if that settings is enabled, it has no effect on the operations tablet.

    2. I'd be able to directly control the movements of all 120 groups and they'd all show up in my operations section of the tablet?

    If your faction's opcom controls 120 profiles, you'll be able to edit the waypoints of each one.

  18. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @SpyderBlack723 Friendly intel radius is only the radius used to mark friendly groups on the map if that settings is enabled, it has no effect on the operations tablet.

    If your faction's opcom controls 120 profiles, you'll be able to edit the waypoints of each one.

    Ok last question. Let's say I limit my mil/civ modules to filter out small and medium sized objectives. So essentially on most maps this would leave very small amounts areas for OPCOM to send units/objectives to.

    Will OPCOM send all 120 units to these very few objectives simultaneously (which essentially might consist of two or three total places on some maps), or will some of them not even appear on the map at all unless they are needed to reinforce?

    Long story short, I'm wondering if what I'm seeing is normal. If I limited OPCOM to only the highest priority objectives, would he really still send all of our forces, like all 120 units, to what essentially might be only a couple available tasks? Maybe I'm supposed to not see more than a few operations if I limit the mil/civ objectives too much?

  19. OPCOM will only send a maximum of 3-5 groups to attack an objective, and 2-3 to defend an objective. Any overflow groups will just patrol about randomly until they are needed.

  20. Ha yeah then I messed something up. Back to the fun process of troubleshooting yet again. :( Thanks Spyder. I appreciate the help.

  21. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @AUTigerGrad In order for a vehicle to move, you need to have that vehicle faction name in the Military Commander AI module. As long as you have that, you're fine. Then just make sure you virtualize them with the Virtual AI module. That's it.

    What I do with 3CB is I place empty Jackals and Coyotes on the map, fill them with Royal Marines or 3CB Army units, then include both the infantry faction name, and vehicle faction name in the Commander AI module. That's it.

    If you place manned Jackals and Coyotes, know that the crew will be Vanilla Nato drivers. Hence...why I place empty ones and replace with authentic 3CB crews.

    When I add any additional faction (in the case a helicopter classname) to the Military AI Commander Force Faction line, I get a radio chat error message saying I can't have multiple factions controlled by the same OPCOM. Am I supposed to ignore it?

    Oh, and the other issue with the operations is fixed. Had to delete and replace the mil/civ modules. Now there's lots of blue x's on my map. Very nice. :)

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