[Bug] Roadblock create error

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS
    0:50:54 Error in expression <selectRandom;
    _vehicle = createVehicle [_vehtype, [position _roadpos, 10,30,2,0,>
     0:50:54   Error position: <_vehtype, [position _roadpos, 10,30,2,0,>
     0:50:54   Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehtype
     0:50:55 File x\alive\addons\civ_placement\fnc_createRoadblock.sqf, line 122
     0:50:55 Error in expression <selectRandom;
    _vehicle = createVehicle [_vehtype, [position _roadpos, 10,30,2,0,>
     0:50:55   Error position: <_vehtype, [position _roadpos, 10,30,2,0,>
     0:50:55   Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehtype
     0:50:55 File x\alive\addons\civ_placement\fnc_createRoadblock.sqf, line 122
     0:50:55 Error in expression <) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _vehicle = createVehicle [_vehtype, [position _road>
     0:50:55   Error position: <createVehicle [_vehtype, [position _road>
     0:50:55   Error Type Any, expected String
     0:50:55 File x\alive\addons\civ_placement\fnc_createRoadblock.sqf, line 122

    Could someone help me with this please?

  2. Getting the same error also.

  3. Are you trying to use custom made roadblocks or is this appearing with just standardly placed modules?

  4. Just standard placed modules. Only thing besides CBA and Alive I'm is Massi Middle East Units with weapons and vehicles. Let me run a test with just vanilla and see it it pops up.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Thanks, not seeing error with vanilla.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by eric963

    Vanilla ran fine, roadblocks created just fine. Swapped in the massi units and erros popped right up.

    ***** Note ******
    The HD (high dispersion) version of the units are generating the error, the non-HD ones are working fine. So for only tested his African Conflict one but will test the others shortly.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    I think this is caused by the fact that the faction has no vehicles available. Civilian has no vehicles available as well. Can we make something about?

  8. 8 years ago


    21 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Will fix in next release so it fails without error. Thanks for the report!

  9. I seem to be having an issue which may be related to this.

    I've been working on a community mission for a few days now using custom created factions. When using the Asymm Commander in conjunction with Civs, the road blocks spawn vanilla guerrilla opfor units.

    When I remove the civ modules, roadblock spawn the correct units.

    When I put the civ modules back but then change the commander to Invasion or Occupation, the roadblocks work correctly.

    But running an Asymmetric Commander and the civ modules at the same time consistently spawned the incorrect units that the roadblocks.

    I tried to re-create this using only @Alive and @CBA, but everything seemed to be spawning correctly. I've come to the theory that it must be something to do with non-vanilla factions in conjunction with the Asymmetric Commander. I believe I have followed the faction mapping correctly, would you guys mind taking a look to see if it has anything to do with the config?


  10. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    This happens if faction for which the roadblock is spawned has no groups with vehicles. I have fix this adding a config patch which is expanding faction groups with "Motorized"

    class cfgGroups {
    	class East {
    		class mas_med_opfi_hd {
    				class Motorized {	

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