Server Load Order - class item XY no longer exists (SOLVED)

  1. 8 years ago

    Hej there,

    I created a mission with the 3d editor, using some mods. Tried it on single and multiplayer testing, everything went fine (after several changes and stuff, the usual with editing) I got a virtual server running and put in the load order as I use it on my local arma: @CBA_A3; @Alive; @ALiVEServer; @Spyder Addons; @ace; @task_force_radio; @ares; @CAF_AG1.5; @CAF_AG_AudioPatch; @theseus_services; @TRYK; @AllInArmaTerrainPack; @mad_build; @mad_resh

    All keys are in the keys-folder, the mission in MPmission and the serverconfig is edited as it should be.

    After starting up the server and joining, I get stuck in the lobby. Flickering screen and in the chat window this line keeps repeating:

    mpmissions_cur_mp.reshmaan\mission.sqm\Mission\Entities\Item8.type: Vehicle class ace_advanced_ballistics_ModuleSettings no longer exists

    Took a look into the mission.sqm and well, the Item8 is still there and looks all good with the code. Then I though: maybe the load order isn't quite right. And I put @ace in front of the alive module. Well, what a bummer: same error with a different Item class. Now it was Item1.type: Vehicle class Alive_require no longer exists. If I put alive in front, another one pops up.

    I tried opening the mission in the editor again, resave it and reupload it: no change..

    Anyone out there able to help me out?

  2. This probably won't help you but I have nothing but problems when @aliveserver isn't loaded very last.

    @Every, @mod, @you, @use, @then, @aliveserver.

    Otherwise I have issues.

  3. Nope, didn't fix the problem. Thanks though.

  4. I did just have the following idea:
    What if the server is not fast enough in loading the mods? Maybe it is just able to load 3-4 mods before it starts the mission.sqm. If that was the way it is, the mission file would of course lack some mods, because they ain't loaded yet.
    I tried to put a sleep 60; code into the mission.sqm, so it would wait a bit, but it just froze the server completely. Then I tried to put some items (Item55 to Item 86) in front of Item 1, since they needed no mod to work. The server didn't even start properly.
    The only way to test that would be to completely redo the mission in the editor but this time I'd put down the objects/things first which need no mod.
    Any opinions about that theory?

  5. Try this load order:

    @CBA_A3; @Alive;@ace;@task_force_radio;@Spyder Addons;@ares;@theseus_services; @TRYK;@CAF_AG1.5; @CAF_AG_AudioPatch; @AllInArmaTerrainPack; @mad_build; @mad_resh; @ALiVEServer

    If you still have problems create a new mission using just CBA + ALIVE + Spyder and test it out. Try placing ALiVE modules in this order:

    ALIVE (required)
    Virtual AI
    MP and CP module(s)
    CQB module
    AI Commander

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Murdock, I saw the theory posed in your thread over on Reddit that having the space in @Spyder Addons could be causing your issue. Did adding the underscore fix it?

  7. Blame Steam for the space :)

  8. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @SpyderBlack723 BlameSteamforthespace :)

    ^^^ FTFY

  9. Was not able to try it yet, since I had another Problem with aia. Installing Cup Terrains ghese days. 8gb with FTP is not fun :)
    As soon as I got an update for the error, I'll tell y'all

  10. What was the problem with AiA? As you know that's my map pack of choice...

  11. Some Kind of Problem my server Provider had. No idea what or why but the server didnt Start at all when aia was in the line.

  12. Okay. Problem with the server is past. It was an upload-error with the FTP part. It cut some files in half.
    Secondly and of equal importance: The renaming of Spyder Addons to Spyder_Addons did the deal. It was a special case of my provider (I really should change to another one), since he did not put the mods in ".."
    So the space between Spyder and Addons caused the error.
    *close and happy*


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